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Hi everyone, I haven’t posted to this blog in a while so I have some catching up to do. Basically for the last couple of months my third fill has been pushed back for several reasons. It was scheduled for Friday February 26th. We had a huge snow storm and my doctor had to re-schedule. I re-scheduled with Fill Center USA, for Friday April 2nd. This was a tentative date because they didn’t have the doctors schedule for April as yet so within a couple of days they called me back and told me that t




Hey lap band buddies, I just wanted to do an update cuz I haven't done one I'm a while. I had my second fill about four weeks ago. So far I have little or no ristriction, I feel like I had more ristriction with my last fill. The only time that I feel like I have a band at all is when I eat bread or eggwhites that are cooked hard (how I like them) I feel extreme pain when I eat these foods, like the food is having a hard time getting through the band, then the pain goes away and everything goes d




Um...so I have been reluctant to write this for some reason, maybe because I am so disappointed at myself. Well here goes, So if you have been reading my blog the two of you would have realized that I was supposed to get a fill on December 30th and was super excited about it. I haven’t been so excited about anything in a long time; it was like my Christmas present to myself. Well in an effort to make a long story short, I overslept and missed my appointment. I was soooo disappointed at myself, h




Hey bandster buddies. I just wanted to give an update on my progress so far. I am at 217.5 as of this morning. I have been eating much better and going to the gym whenever possible. The weight is coming off slowly but its going down, which is the right direction. As I get closer to 208 pounds, the lowest I have ever been on any diet program, I get more hopeful for my future and success with this band. I feel that Onderland is in site with this surgery, and everyday I am happier and happier that



First Fill

Hey Band mates, I had my first fill yesterday. I am very happy with the results so far. I had it done at Fill Centers USA in Mount Laurel New Jersey with Dr. Lee. He put 4.8 cc's in my 11cc band. The center is two hours away by car, but of course my car is giving me trouble, I didn’t want to chance it, so I had to take public transportation. I took the subway to Time Square, and then went to the Port Authority Station to get a Greyhound bus. The bus took about an hour and a half to get there, so



Two days until first fill

Hey everybody. I go for my first fill in two days at the Fill Center USA located in Mount Laurel New Jersey. It is two hours away from me, but it is easier for me to get there than to fly back to TJ. I haven't been doing as well as I wanted to. I have been stressed about a lot of stuff ie: trying to find a job, I graduated in May but can't seem to find anything...stupid recession. Anyways I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either. I'm holding steady at 224. Some mornings when I



The Challenge

Hey Bandster Buddie what's up? Today is day 22 after surgery....you know what that means, a food free for all...just kidding. I did pretty good today, I had porridge for breakfast, which is like oatmeal or grits. I had an eggwhite omlette for lunch. I haven't had dinner yet but I plan on having a chicken salad. I wanted to go to the gym, but I'm really sick with the flu...not swine...regular. I plan on going on Monday, I want to lose 4-5 pounds by December 4th, the date of my first fill, which i



Bandster Hell

Hey all I am on day 12 of my 21 day Liquid Phase. I am starting this blog for some accountability. I have done pretty good so far but I have had some slip ups so far, two minor ones and one major. I did manage to get back on the band wagon so I'm happy about that. I haven't posted my experience at the OCC, it was great everyone was great, professional. Everything was clean I went by myself so I pretty much stayed in my room after surgery. I went to Camino Real, not a big fan. From what I heard o



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