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3/15/10 surgery date - anyone else ?

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Getting prepared for first fill

Hi Everyone, haven't been here in a long time. Took on some more clients and got a job working outside of the home so needless to say I've been busy busy. I wanted to say that I have found that even without a fill I do have restriction. Not sure how much but I've been learning what I can and can't eat. I finally had my first pb experience. ugggghhh it was awful (well probably not as bad as it could have been) I ate about one tablespoon of rice and my whole system just stopped. I felt it inch d



13 days post op liquid phase

So here I am 8 days left until I can finally eat. I can still honestly say I've felt good, not terribly hungry. When I am hungry it's still at the dreaded 2-5pm time frame of the day. So I've just been eating my biggest "meal" if you can call it that - during that time of the day. I was able to move on to creamy soups which is like fricking heaven after all this time of drinking clear liquids. I found that the drinkable yogurt was just too thick for me. I would drink it and it just felt like i



8 days post-op liquid phase

Man - I did a stupid thing. I ordered pizza for my son and his friend spending the night this past weekend. uuuggghhhh that was the worst fricking torture yet. I didn't eat any but it took all of my will power to refrain. It helped that my port area is still sore and that not a lot of times do I forget I have this band. I'm still getting used to the idea of having this foreign object in my body. I hope that it gets less weird Other than that - hunger has been ok. Again, still not as hard as



Holy cow day 6!! post-op liquid phase

I really can't believe that I've made it now 6 days without food. It's crazy talk to me. Ok - so I was right the first 3 days were really kind of hell for me but day 6 - it's WAY easier. I don't have the hunger/gas pains that I was having for the first 3 days. Thank God because not sure how long I would have made it feeling like that. Looking back though I'm thinking it was more gas than anything - but I'm just grateful it's over. I'm even really surprised that I'm not that tired. I have been



3 days post-op

So I'm finding the liquid phase post-op is hard as hell. Luckily the fear of having a slipped band has kept me on course for the last 3 days, but this is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I'm not sure if it's hunger pain, or gas, or what but at times my stomach feels like the worst hunger pains I've experienced ever. I'm on day 4 of clear liquids and so far (it's 9:30am) hunger pain has been minimal this morning. I'm hoping that getting passed the first 3 days was the har



3/15/10 surgery date? anyone else have the same date?

I have set my surgery date at OCC for 3/15/10. I'm just wondering if there will be anyone else going down around that same time? I'm nervous, excited, and anxious all at the same time. I'm not telling anyone except my fiance. He is very supportive of my decision because he knows how much my self esteem has been crippled by my constant battle with my weight. I know if I told anyone else in my family they would think I was crazy - so i'll wait to tell them until they see me losing weight and a



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