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Erica's Blog

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Food Coma

Is it weird that it just dawned on me that I will NEVER again know what it's like to stuff my face to the point of no return? I grew up with 3 big brothers and a carnivore dad, and a mother that cooked to please our terrible eating habits. I don't blame my mother for our bad food choices because she always made sure we had our greens and veggies and never took us to fastfood places. I think we influenced her.. All the buffets we took her to, the easy $1 buck burger. I think now with me being ban



getting off my a-s-s

so last week i started to swim i look terrible in my bright red bathing suit but i don't really care. i don't mind looking bad for a couple of months if this is gonna get me back into a pretty little bikini. so, since i started swimming only 2 days and eating well.. i lost 2 lbs! come on! it doesn't get better than that. i actually enjoy swimming so im going to be doing it for as long as i can. hate running so swimming laps is my best friend. my first day i swam for about half an hour only bec



my first skinny trip

see the problem with me is that i've dealt with alot of bad situations growing up. i'm a only girl in a family of 6. i have 3 brothers that are not really focused too much on their appearance and being petite like i have. i was always "thick" im 5'1 and all through high school i was about 145-155lbs and that was OK. i had a little pouch but i loved my curves.. then after highschool, my friends and i organized a trip to hawaii.. that's when all my unhealthy eating habits began. i would literall



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