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My Journey

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Always getting my hopes up...

Well, seems these days I'm just Debbie Downer.... Been trying for roughly 2 weeks now to get somewhere with the financing. I am beyond tired of getting my hopes up everytime I go somewhere hoping they will help me. This whole process is nothing but depressing. I am simply just not as strong as everyone else on here, that can wait 2 years while saving the whole time. How come everything has to be so damn difficult in my life? As if being overweight and unhealthy isn't enough, I also have to li



Is it even worth it,

So, tomorrow we are supposed to go and sign for the loan that we did get approved for. The one that only covers half of the procedure. And the plan was that, we were going to set that in savings and continue to save for the other half with our own money. My question is, is it even worth it to get this loan, when all the while that we're trying to save up the remaining part of the money, I will be making payments already on a loan that isn't being used. And in fact, will most likey not even be



I wish I knew how to gamble...

I wish there was an easier way to do this...everyday is a different mix of emotions. It's so nerve-racking. One day is an 'UP' day...then the next I'm 'DOWN' in the dumps. Today is a downer day. I'm in such a BLAH mood. Applyed at another loan agency yesterday...didn't hear back from them LAME! I just feel like I'm wasting my time...like what if I used all the money and got a personal trainer and ate right. But then I remember, that if I actually went through all that and lost the weight,



Round 2....'ding ding'

Well from the kind and encouraging words of fellow members..I pursued the financing even further and got APPROVED, but only for half. So I have gotten back on the road to happiness, I just think it's going to be a slightly longer trip than originally expected. So at this point...I will be saving and scrounging for every cent until I have the remaining half plus airfare. In fact, tomorrow morning, bright and early I will be having a yard sale. At this point I would literally sell my bedroom set



Pure Devastation!

Didn't get approved for financing. I don't think I've been this sick to my stomach before. I am so lost! I have been acting as though everything was going to work out. Started my pre-op dieting, packed my bags, was ready to start my new life. I am just devastated. I don't even know what to do now... Maybe I will lose weight from all these tears I have been crying. No one around me understands why I'm so upset or why this meant so much. I literally hate my life and where its headed, this was t



Praying the financing comes through....

So today is the day that I find out if my financing comes through... I've been planning until now that everything has already worked out, but the truth is, is that it all comes down to this little decision. I hate having my happiness in someone elses hands. All I can do at this point is pray that everything works out, that they'll say we got approved and I can continue on this amzing journey! Every step to this point has seemed to be a difficult one and I'm just praying that by tomorrow mornin



Let's take this baby out for a test drive....

Hmmm, never had a BLOG before...this should be neat, a not-so-private journal... Well, I am going to be faxing in my paperwork today, I guess that makes this WLS idea a little more real. I still haven't come to terms that I'm actually doing this. It's still so far-fetched to me that I will actually be flying into San Diego, California, be driven into Mexico and have surgery in 3 weeks. Seems like I have SO many questions to be answered, but everytime I get a chance to ask the question, I go bl



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