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So a silly, but fun discovery was made last night...my husband, as he was kissing me goodnight, put his hand on my upper arm and squeazed (something he always does - who knows why!) and he said, "Hey, your arm is smaller." YAY! Tiny bit by tiny bit, I will "unearth" my true self!



1st major goal...reached!

Today is a good day - I have officially landed in "Twosville!" The 299.5 on my scale this morning might seem like it's not a big deal to some, but considering that a month and a half ago, I was weighing in at 333, I'm very happy. My next goal will be 280 and I think I will continue to set "mini goals" like this all along the way - it's just too depressing to look at the overall picture sometimes! As they say, "A journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step." Guess I've taken a step or two and



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