Ok.... had my band on September 9th, made it through 21 days of liquids and am healing without any hurdles. I started solids last friday and had no problems eating.
I spent a lot of times reading the forums and cannot associate with any of them. I had little to no gas, went shopping the day of surgery and was back to work 4 days later. My incisions are barely noticeable.
I figured out over the weekend that I do not have any restriction and will have to be very stringent until I can get my fi
Tomorrow is Sept. 1st and my banding date is Friday Sept. 9th. My Hubby and I will be flying to SD early Fri morning and will get to OCC before 8am.
It has been difficult convincing friends and my doctor that I will be ok going to Mexico to have Lap Band surgery. I am born and raised in Germany and don't think the USA is the greatest in the medical field.
I went to the OCC a few weeks ago for consultation/ tour and knew I was in the right place.
Dr Ortiz is right now in Germany as a Key Spe