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And my Journey Begins

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One Week Post Op

So I am now one week out, and I am feeling pretty darn good!! Yes, I am hungry, but I know that not eating is helping my stomach heal and will prevent future band slippage. My trip home was a little rough especially being alone, considering the day after surgery I had to walk through the border carrying all of my luggage, fly home which included traveling through the airport, stripping at the metal detectors, putting my shoes on was a bit of a bitch. Flying for 3 hours and then landing and drivi



New beginings..

So today I got my band, everything went really well. All of the doctors were really nice and I loved my nurse Jose she was absolutely amazing. The surgery center is fairly small but super clean and nice. The only thing that was hard for me was that since I was the first patient of the day I was really rushed through the pro-op work and wasn't able to ask some of the questions I would of liked too. So I was a little nervous but when the doctors came in and were all kicked back and relaxed it was



less than 24 hours..

Tomorrrow is the big day, I arrived in San Diego at 4:15 and the drive was there waiting for me as promised and he was so nice, I really enjoyed visiting with him. On the way he showed me a video about the OCC and it gave me a run down of what my day was going to be like tomorrow. When we arrived ar the border, I had to jump out of the van and push a button its kinda like a lottery system if it turns red you get searched if it turns green your good to go. I luckily got green YAY!! and in to Tiju



5 days and counting

Words can not begin to express my anxiety, fear, and excitement about the journey I am about to take. I will be traveling to see Dr. Ortiz on Tuesday March 6, 2012 my actual surgery date is March 7 though, I wanted a day toa adjust to the surroundings not just show up and rush right in. I have terrrible anxiety when rushing is involved and I want this experiance to be as relaxed as possible. I have done a lot of research on Dr.Ortiz and have only found one negative comment and it was questionabl



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