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about the process of plication before and after

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ONE YEAR AGO TODAY ... (Mmmm) I made a decision that changed my life. I decided to get weight loss surgery at the OCC. The decision was not made lightly. I researched Dr. Ortiz and surgeries in Mexico first I suppose out of curiosity. The lower price certainly led to that curiosity. I suppose somewhere in the fore front of my mind I had no intention of going to Mexico for surgery. (not because of the ignorant stories...) I just wanted to see what people said about the experience. And in



3 More Days . . . ! :)

WOW! I am three days away from my 1 year anniversary! I had my plication procedure at the OCC on July 20, 2012. It has been the most amazing journey. I can not say enough positive things about the beautiful OCC (YOU changed my life! I changed MY LIFE!) and I am looking forward to going back for my 1 year post op follow up. I am going to prance, uh huh I said it, PRANCE in that door. (I will post when I schedule that, thinking mid Aug. and about the process.) SO from my last 2 posts you



Nearly 1 year!

Well, I am coming up on my one year plic-anniversary. It has been an amazing year. All told so far I have lost 56 lbs. I keep hovering around 165. I am still 16 lbs away from the ideal set for me at the clinic of 149. I had planned to begin zumba fitness and have yet to start! It has been a C H A O T I C time since I wrote in March. My family has gone through some huge crisis and that has enveloped much of my 'should have been productive' time. I am left feeling sort of physically dr



Mon. March 25, 2013: A 9 week, 3 day "trial run"

Hello Fellow OCC'ers, Here I am 3 days into week 36 which for me ends this Friday 3/29. My last entry was at the end of my 6 month anniversary on week 26 January 18, 2013. After that, I decided to go off of my regimental OCC blogging, personal journaling, calorie tracking, way of being and merge myself back into a 'new regular' routine. I wanted to see what that would be like. What I found is much like what I saw posted in the forum. After 6 months I find myself losing and gaining the s



End of Week 26: January 18, 2013 6 Month Anniversary

WOW. What a month it's been! *6 Month Anniversary* I really got out of hand. My holiday eating threatened to undue me. It's really quite deceptive. When I look at my weight during this time, I see that i spent 3 weeks having gone up in ounces with the rest of the time not losing more than 1 lb. That's very different from other weeks. But what really did me in was convenience foods. I began to have GF pizza 3 times a week. I think somewhere in my mind I thought, since it's gluten free pizza it's



End of Week 25: January 11, 2013

The post I did for week 24 was just one day before the end of this week 25 post and the change was a negative. I am up 2 ounces at the end of week 25, so that 8 ounces that I lost at the end of week 24 turned out to only be 6 ounces. I feel really bothered by my weight gains. I have now spent 8 whole weeks in the 6's! That is longer than I have spent at any other 10 lb. period. I looked back on my food journal. While I was staying within my caloric intake, holiday alcohol and the lack of quality



End of Week 24: January 4, 2013

I'm getting a bit sloppy about posting.. and not just that.. Well at the end of week 24, on Jan. 4 I weighed in at 161.2 lbs. I lost 8 ounces from the week before but it's my sloppy holiday 'nasties' that's bothering me. I'm afraid i'm facing my first weight loss challenge. I let some bad habits creep in during the holiday season and my eating has become mental. My means of combating this is to write it here. I hold myself accountable through my blogging. It's the thing that keeps me on track a



End of Week 23: December 28, 2012

Ok, this is my last blog entry of 2012! As such I think it merits positive reflection. Last year, I brought in the 2012 New Year weighing 221 lbs. I was wearing size 18/20 clothes. I was fat, the vein in my right thigh was throbbing and numbing up, and I felt sluggish, all around awful and was steadily heading to Diabetes in a pre-diabetic state. My health was bad, my spirits were low, I looked blah. This year, I am grateful for the changes that have occurred in my life since my plication at t



End of week 22: December 21, 2012

I'm super late at posting this. The holidays have been absolutely chaotic true to holiday form. I lost 1.2 pounds this week! Yea! better than the up 2 ozs and up 4 ozs the two previous weeks. I am happy enough with this and still feel like I have the chance at greeting the new year in, in the 5's. We shall see. To next week! (which due to late posting is tomorrow... lol.....)



End of Week 21: December 14, 2012

This is the second week in a row that I have gained weight. Last week I was up 2 ozs and this week I am up 4 ozs, so I have gained 6 ozs in 2 weeks which is not a major catastrophe, but means I am not losing. That part is yuck. I have still had the stomach flu this week. It feels like it's on its way out, but I have still had quite a bit of gas and bloat and other stomach nastiness. Also, for my birthday a week or 2 back I didn't get to celebrate so did that this past week. That consisted of go



End of Week 20: December 7, 2012

Wow. This week was challenging. I gained 2 ounces and i'm sooo thankful it was not more. I weighed in every day this week, and at one point (Wednesday) the scale was up to 168!! Luckily I only count Friday's, but seeing the scale go up 4 pounds after my lean and green end last Friday of 164 was pretty frustrating. I had my monthly which took its time falling and I know that contributed to weight bloating, I had stomach flu which was terrible. It interfered with my BMs making it sluggish to non



End of Week 19: November 30, 2012

Week 19 has been very positive. But it started out pretty scary. And because of that I had to get disciplined. After Thanksgiving for weigh in I was down 1 lb last week and happy about that. But I had pumpkin pie and cool whip for Thanksgiving on Thursday, 1 slice, then again Friday, 1 slice and Saturday, 1 slice. After having pumpkin pie and cool whip 3 days in a row I began to notice something startling! I started getting mental cravings and Sugar cravings!! I found myself thinking of having



End of Week 18: November 23, 2012

Wow. There are many good things to report about week 18. I managed to lose 1 lb the week of Thanksgiving Holiday! That is NO SMALL TRICK! I just told myself to relax, I could have a little of whatever I chose. I partook in the carrots and celery with onion dip mix, just 2 TBSPs of dip, but it was well enough, carrots are so low calorie and they were delicious! I had faux turkey, faux ham, they were fantastic, 1/2 c. of mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup of corn, and a fantastic delicious rosemary GF go



Top 5 Weight Loss Tools

I thought I would share the day to day top 5 weight loss tools that I use to keep me on track. They are not in order of importance because I consider them all equally critical to my success. These tools are created with my own personal needs in mind. 1. Water: Yes, A Major Tool. When I went on the pre and post op liquids only diet, I realized that on liquids alone my body could not only be sustained, but satisfied. It was surprising to me. I was actually sad about having to transition to soft



End of Week 17: November 16, 2012

Wow. Seems wild posting on the heels of my last post, but here it is, the end of Week 17! And what a week it was. I spent the week in DC so I had to eat restaurant food for lunch and dinner... yikes. Breakfast I was able to manage in my room. I was worried about possible weight gain during this week, but I did make sure to keep my prunes on hand and I did A LOT of walking every day around the National Mall. (Stunning Stunning Stunning!) I am happy to report that this week I am at 170.2 having l



End of Week 16: November 9, 2012

Ok. I'm UP 8 ozs this week. It was a rough week. I got a nasty cold again and that made my bowel movements sort of irregular despite my beloved prunes. Also, because of being sick, I did not drink as much fluids as I normally do. I find it really hard to take water when i'm sick, so the drop in intake i'm sure had a hand in this up 8 ozs. thing. Then, I ordered my vitamins in enough time, but there was a backlog in the shipment of the vitamins I take, so there were 4 days where I went without. A



End of Week 15: November 2, 2011

It's the end of week 15 and I lost 2.4 pounds this week! Yeaaaa! I hope that by next week I will be out of the 7's and into some super 6's. This journey has been pretty amazing. To think that I have lost 50 pounds! Wow. I wanted to talk some about liquid intake. I take liquid in 3 times a day. After breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What that does for me is it allows me to feel completely full. Liquid deprivation creates pangs in the stomach that are indecipherable to food hunger pangs so I make s



End of Week 14: October 26, 2012

I lost 2 lbs this week! I feel very happy about that. I learned a lot from last week and kept the cheese down to just 1 meal and the grease out of it. It never ceases to amaze me how much grease and cheese can trip you up. It might sound obvious, but just witnessing my body as it changes and went up then held steady then dropped, I realized that is a lot of time to spend waiting for the effects of cheese and grease to go away. Too much precious time. I am still taking prunes daily. They are my



End of Week 13: October 19, 2012

OK. This week I am up 1 lb. I gained. :/ I know why. I discovered gluten free pizza from the local and we ate it twice this week. Also, I had a corn quesadilla in a quick pinch because I was running late on another night, and taquitos on another night. Yep. That's a lot of grease and cheese. Thanks to prunes, it didn't constipate me, but it was too much grease and cheese even though I only did eat a little part of them. SO, this coming week, no cheese anywhere and no grease. I'll be cooking



End of Week 12 Post Plication: October 12, 2012

It is the end of week 12 and I am happy to report I lost 2 lbs this week! AND... are you ready for this!! NO constipation!! WOO!!!! I am sooo happy! I have lost 31 lbs post plication, 46 lbs total with pre-procedure weight loss, I have lost a staggering 21% of my body weight! and now have a BMI of 27.4. Just 26 lbs to go until GOOOOAL! And NO Constipation!! It's worth saying twice The solution was so simple it totally escaped me for the longest time. PRUNES! Wonderful beautiful sexy hard worki



End of Week 11 Post Plication: October 5, 2012

Ok, I was on vacation from last Thursday, Sept 30 until just Friday so I am posting late. What a rough week! I finally had my period but it was very unusual, on and then off and then on... Also, I had a meal at my favorite vacation restaurant, and the healthiness of it really got things moving bm wise! SO! Finally, the constipation spell is broken. I have had 4 blissful days of movement. Now to figure out how to keep that going. I've read that if you bombard your body with fiber too fast you can



End of Week 10 Post Plication

Ok. Technically tomorrow (Friday) is the end of week 10 but I doubt anything super dramatic will happen from here to there. I gained 6 ounces this week and frankly, am surprised that's all i've gained. I am still in the same place I was last week. Menstrual cycle 15 days late now (not preggers, I checked), horrendous constipation, and a lot of gas. I think I might know what's going on. "MIGHT" i've been eating laughing cow cheese pretty regularly, on a daily basis sometimes 2 times a day and whi



End of Week 9 Post Plic

OK. I'm starting to notice a pattern of 3 weeks good weight loss and then a 4th week, gain or maintain. Weeks 7 and 8, I had good weight loss, but for week 9, I’ve only maintained the same weight as last week. That's definitely better than gaining, for sure, but it's the bleh's that came along with it that I’m not feeling great about. Although I am the same weight this week as last week, my stomach is noticeably distended and it was flat last week. All this week I have been having abdom



End of Week 8 Post Plic

Today is the end of week 8 for me. I have lost ANOTHER 3 lbs of bad health!!! I feel super excited! I am now down to 182 and that fence is getting lower and lower, I can see those super slimmer 7's from riiiiiiight here This was another week of pretty high constipation. I had 3 days where I struggled to go at all. Thank goodness for milk o mag. I took it for five days in a row. The first 1 1/2 days I had little to no results, but last night it finally kicked in. Just in time for weigh in. Seem



End of Week 7: Post Plic September 7

Today is the end of week 7 for me and it was DEFINITELY a better week! After an extremely pain stakingly slow week 4 and 5, then a slowed 1.8 lb loss week 6 I was starting to feel discouraged but trying with all my might to be positive and note other victories! I just realized something SUPER EXCITING!! I am HALF way to MY GOAL!!! I have lost 36 lbs and have 36 left to go!!! Here's to making it ALL THE WAAAAAAY!!! Today is that day of redemption. I lost 3 lbs!!!! WOOOOO HOOOO! It feels SOOO g



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