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about the process of plication before and after

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End of Week 6: Post Plic August 31, 2012

OK, I went out of town so couldn't post my week 6 results for this past Friday, August 31st, so here's week 6: I lost 1.8 lbs during week 6!! Yea! It's true, I want those 3 lbs lost weeks back, but compared to gaining 4 ozs, i'm elated the scale is going the right way and hopeful I will get more 3lb losses soon. My constipation (Thank you Dolittle for the MOM recommend!) is now a thing of the past thank GOODNESS! Dolittle recommended milk of mag and WOW is it fantastic! It did not make me dia



End of Week 5 Post Plic: August 24, 2012

Ok. Last week was pretty frustrating. I gained 4 ozs., went from 190.2 to 190.6 That was frustrating in itself because it meant that I not only gained 4 ozs, (it's not the amount I gained but the fact it went the WRONG way) but that I did not lose anything all week long, and believe me it felt loooooong. I was super constipated all last week and right up to yesterday *sigh* and OUCH!!!. Very! And I know it was the culprit that contributed to this set back. Still its hard getting over the psych



End of Week 1 Post Plication: July 27, 2012

I am not sure if I will post my results at the end of every week, but I wanted to post at the end of my first week which this is and then I will post if something notable happens or I need advice or want to give tips, and barring that, I will update montly. I feel compelled to update monthly because when I was going through my decision making process what I wanted and didn't feel I got was someone who updated regularly. Peeps eventually dropped off the radar. Kay. Today is my 1 week post plicat



End of Week 2 Post Plication: Aug. 3, 2012

OK! Today is end of week 2 for me. I have lost 2 lbs. for a total of 24 lbs! This week was a challenge. I was already taking in 8 ozs of pedialyte daily when I showed signs of dehydration. This week I noticed some slight signs again and determined to stay ahead of it I upped my pedialyte intake to 16 ozs now. Still showing some signs, and have upped my liquid intake. I have seen some positive changes this week. I notice that my favorite jeans, jeans that I could NOT fit into before pre-op diet a



End of Week 3 Post Plication: Aug. 10, 2012

(again just transfering the first months weekly updates from the forum to my blog) OK! Today there is A LOT going on! It is the end of week 3 and I have lost a total of 4 lbs this week! I am so excited about this! So far in the last 3 weeks since my procedure I have lost a total of 13 lbs! I've never used so many exclamation marks!! lol And over all including pre op weight loss I have lost a noteworthy 28lbs, over 12% of my body weight! BMI going down. There's a lot for me to report on. Toda



One Month Post Plication: Aug. 17, 2012

I keep forgetting to add my forum updates to my blog updates, so here is the post plic 1 month update from last Friday: It's been a busy week for me. I am happy to report though that at 1 month post plication, to date, I have lost 16 lbs! I am very happy with my progress and just continue to feel this was the best decision ever. I have been taking in 64 ozs of water since the required day we were to do that, week 1 of soft foods I believe it was. I enjoy my water intake. I have found it somewh



Practice Makes Perfect

So WOW. How to handle this all? Right? It was overwhelming for me to think about going from liquids to soft/regular foods. Liquids were easy because all I had to do was to make sure that I had liquid in my hands at all times throughout the entire day. I simply finished one kind and grabbed another. Easy PZ. For me, in order to master something totally foreign to me, while adhearing to the golden rule of no liquids within an hour of meals requires clarity. For me, clarity means scheduling. So t




So 2 weeks ago I had a really difficult week. I noticed that my emotions were going up and down like a rollercoaster. I was ranging from upset to super sensitive to hurt to mad. It wasn't happy. I read online and discovered that when you lose weight your fat cells release hormones and that can make you mood swing. Especially if you are losing weight more rapidly than usual. To remedy this, I went out and bought some Rhodiola tincture. A friend of mine put me on to these a few years back when I



PPD5 (Post Plication Day 5)

This is Post Plication Day 5 for me. I had my procedure July 20th. I had to stay an additional 2 days near the OCC because my stomach swelling was slow to reduce and I was having some phenomenal gas pains. Wow, can gas really really hurt! Everyone at the OCC was fantastic and the Dr.s took good care of me, very reassuring and very thorough on follow up testing to make sure that what I was experiencing wasn't anything to be concerned about. And as it turns out, it wasn't. I got home yesterday and



10 Days and Counting (posted on forum as Here's My Story, What's Your Story)

Good Evening Fellow PLay Cats (Plicators) & WLS-ers: I wanted to share my story with you here. My decision to be a PLay Cat (be plicated) came out of a need to be healthy. My health. I'm 41 and I had this super candid conversation with my mom not long ago. She's had a mild stroke (10 or so years ago) and a major heart attack all fairly recently. But her health decline? That started when she was 47 (20 years ago). That's the age she became diabetic. The big bad D. As a result, her health to



12 Days and Counting

Twelve days to go until plication. (why did the 12 days of Christmas just pop into my head?? ...12 pounds before op, 11 lbs the next week, 10 lbs week after.. ok i'm stopping now ) Today I went out dancing with friends at this really hip inclusive club. The music was fantastic, the ambient was perfect and there was the sweetest breeze. Every one had a drink in hand. This was my first "2 weeks to go until procedure" temptation challenge. I am not a major drinker, but I do like to social drink.



24 Days and Counting!

Day 24 I am counting down until I have my plication procedure. This is the first day of my blog. I feel very excited/nervous [excervous??] about everything. I find myself catching sight of my body in the mirror as I walk by it. I wonder. . . what ME will emerge post plication? How Exciting! I can not wait to find out! I am happy about my decision to take control of my health. I began my pre-op dietary instructions 2 weeks ago. I chose the protein shakes and the low fat frozen dinner with ampl



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