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Band to Sleeve Journey

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Drink, Drink, Drink

It's been 11 days since I had the sleeve revision. I'm feeling like I'm just water logged. All I have been doing is drinking. It's kind of hard drinking so many fuilds. Between water, protein shakes and brothy soups, I'm floating!



One week out

I'm one week out and back home now. Feeling pretty good and excided that the surgery and trip are behind me now. I'm amazed, I really do feel pretty good, it was alot like my lap-band surgery back in 2007.




I got to try my first liquid yogurt last night. I can say it was OK, but it made my insides churn a little. Kind of felt like I was building lots of "GAS" lol. Doing good and feeling pretty good too. Met a group of nice ladies that were heading over to the OCC to have their surgery today. Wished them great success and told them that this surgery was easy. They all had smiles.




It´s been 4 days since surgery and everything is going well. I haven´t been hungry. I´ve been drinking vitamin water and today I get to do some liquid yogurt. I´ll be going back to the OCC today to have my drain looked at and possibly removed. I´m a little bored, so feeling pretty good, last night I walked down to Revelution Ave from the Marriott,,, piece of cake. I took a taxi back, didn´t want to over do it, but I felt good.




Well, the big day is tomorrow, I have my bags packed. If all goes well, I should be at the OCC clinic at 8am tomorrow. I'm suprised, this morning I stepped on the scale and I was down 12lbs. The scale never lies, the pre-op diet does work, but its not fun.



Pre-Op Diet Phasing

So far the pre-op diet phasing into total liquids seems to be working. I'm having an easier time making the switch to liquids. This weekend I'll be running over to my local Sams Club and picking up a couple cases of protien shakes for the big push before my surgery.



Pre-Op Diet

Even though I'm scheduled at the end of the month, I'm opting to start phasing into the full liquid diet. Since the Fourth of July has past, I figured it wouldn't hurt to start now. Yesterday I did liquid soup and some yogurt. Stayed away from any solids and anything with fat in it. So far,, its going OK. As you know, two weeks before your surgery is when you really toe the line. I'll keep you posted. I'm also making sure I get my daily bicycle ride in. One, this make your lungs stronger. Two, b



Paper Work

Times have changed since I had my lap band surgery in 2007. The OCC has refined their system and added numerous patient questionaires, pre-op diets, post-op diets and etc. Back in the old days, you called the OCC and set your surgery date, sent them some down payment money and brought the rest on your surgery date. You then showed up on your scheduled surgery date,, answered a few questions, did some lab work, talk to the heart doc, talk to the dietician doc and you were lap banded. Now, having



Making the decision

I was lap banded in March 2007. This was a major life changing decision and I had anxiety like I've never had before. The lap band surgery was a breeze and the anxiety disappeared, as did my weight. I never anticipated how much success I would have with the band. I ended up losing close to 100 pounds in the first year. As time went by, I ended up leveling out on my weight loss and my body adjusted, my metabolism changed and slowly I was gaining weight. My band has been a great tool, like a frien



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