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My Journey to Healthiness

Entries in this blog

31 Pounds Down...YIPPEE!!

Ok...so the last time I blogged I was three weeks out from the surgery, and was still on the liquids. Man was that the hard part indeed! I didn't mind the liquids so much...it was just that I was running out of different options, and they were getting so boring! It was also hard as well to eat/drink only liquids as well while having to prepare meals for my husband, and two kids!! I say this to encourage all at this stage to say this...IT IS ALL WORTH IT!! When I started real food again it



Ok...I'm tired of the liquids!

Ok so my surgery was on 1/12/09, and did a strict Optifast pre-op diet for one week prior. I lost 10 pounds on the pre-op diet, and only 5 more pounds in the two weeks after surgery. I still have one more week of liquids left before I get to eat real food again, and I am really looking forward to that! I am a little perplexed as to why I haven't lost more than five pounds in the past two weeks...I have only been on liquids, but I guess I have to feel the restriction from real food to really



Five Days and Counting!!

Well, after months of planning I am finally within a week of my surgery date! On Monday I will be traveling from Buffalo to San Diego, and then on to Dr. Ortiz! I can't believe I am so close now! I am looking forward to dropping this weight, and shedding some bad habits. I know that being thin isn't the beat all end all especially if you don't like yourself inside. Luckily for me when I look at myself in the mirror I don't hate what I see...I just hate how she looks. Here's to a new outw



Ice Cream is the Enemy

It's all about self awareness. About realizing what helped lead me here in the first place, and last night it dawned on me! In order to lose weight after I'm banded I need to realize what my true vice is! ICE CREAM! I wish it was something solid like cake, or something else that isn't liquid that will go right through the band! I eat ice cream almost every night, and it is my most favorite thing. Curse that Schwann's delivery truck that brings it right to my door! They have the best ice



Should I Be Worried?

Today I have made a decision that will impact the rest of my life. I have scheduled the date I am going to have my Lap-Band Surgery. After 20 years of being overweight, and feeling constantly inadequate I have decided to make my move. Thanks to the insurance companies however they don't feel that a BMI of 36.8 is worthy of coverage on this procedure because I have the nerve to be healthy otherwise. I think that being 235 pounds, and can't purchase clothing at a regular store a bit more than



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