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talking all that mess

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8 year anniversary

I've been M.I.A. for 3 years and a lot has happened. I graduated from graduate school this summer and now have a master's degree. Kyle and I have been dating for 4 years now. He is currently finishing up his last year in graduate school as well in Boston. So we're currently long distance. The last time I was on here I wrote about me getting an unfill. Well I went 3 years with an unrestricted band. Needless to say I gained my weight back and I'm currently at 319lbs. I'm really disappointed in mys



wicked games

I've been working out everyday for the past 2 weeks. I've been eating healthier and I stay under a calorie goal thanks to "my fitness plan" that I'm constantly on. But the scale hasn't been budging! I feel like all my hard work isn't paying off and I just want to eat any sort of junk food I can get my fingers on! I mean I feel healthier, faster, and stronger. I feel like my stamina has sky rocketed. Several weeks ago I would climb a flight of stairs and get a bit short winded but now I can climb



moon river

I would like to point out that I am so happy for everyone who has reached their weight loss goal and have kept it off which really says a great deal about a person. The determination and strength to stick with a lifestyle change and maintain is something so wonderful. I'm in a somber sort of mood because I can't say I'm one of the "greats," as I see them. I feel just completely stuck in the middle and technically I am. It feels almost as if I'm starting from square one. I still have around 100lb



new slang

I'm obsessed with this yummy, vegan, and easy dessert "milkshake" recipe I've come across. 2/3 cup of almond milk (any flavor) 1 tsp of almond butter 1 frozen banana 1 scoop protein raw vegan powder (optional. You can use non-vegan protein powder too) Blend all ingredients until rich smooth consistency. Enjoy! This treat makes me so full, I consider it a meal replacement! It's so healthy for you too! It has about 239 calories per serving (without protein powder) but it can have less calori



carmen carmen staying up till mornin

Got back from TJ on Monday. Jeri and I took the greyhound bus down there and that was quite an experience. It was cheap and in this recession I'm all for it! HAHA I got an unfill and I forgot the Dr's name but he was really nice and helped explain a lot to me about the reason for my weight gain and how to get back on track with the help of my band. My band was too tight so I am completely unfilled right now. The doctor put me on a liquid diet immediately but unfortunately I ate solids for 2 day



summer skin

So I started working out for the past few days and it feels GREAT! If great stands for agonizing pain! Gah! I'm so out of shape but you know what I pushed through it. I didn't quit. Yeah sure I would take a little longer breaks then intended to catch my breath but I finished! Kyle says I look so much better because my skin is glowing and my face is thinning out once again. Jeri is doing this with me as well, since we live together and I only feel we've enabled each others bad eating habits so w



I'm back!

Hello everyone! It's been a long time and I have lots to say and get off my chest. So be warned lol I'm going back to the OCC to get an unfill on May 14th. For the past year my band has become very uncomfortable. Coughing in the middle of the night because of food being stuck in my throat, developing pneumonia. I've been to the doctors and so sick with fevers because of my very bad eating habits. My band has become uncomfortably tight, my esophagus is inflamed, and some days its even hard to d




hello! got my own place with my bestie jeri! we spent approximately 4 days looking at over a bajillion zillion areas and found some great places. found a beautiful condo 1300 sqft at a wonderful price in a safe quiet location in central vegas. i wanted to move out asap because my mother was being really shady about the whole moving out/ apartment looking thing. so she says her and fred are going to move to hawaii but i honestly believe its a bunch of bs. she said they were moving back in with fr



doing excellent

hi everybody just an update i'm still working out but not necessarily eating right.. i know...i just got an attack of the "sweet tooth" but i'm not gaining so that's good news. anyway i'm moving out on my own and lots of changes coming soon! can't wait! i'm in the process of dating and it is difficult. i feel like someone is going to get hurt. i don't want to hurt any of their feelings. they're all good guys. eh idk we'll see where this goes. oh i have to tell everybody about groupon. it's a




hello! i'm feeling excellent! been on a super healthy working out going strong kind of high! i don't see myself stopping anytime soon. got into huge fight with gio but i'm done with him. he wants to go this time and guess what i'm not stopping him. nope not this time. there's no way this kid is going to bring me down this year. gave him 2 years of my life and he ruined every chance he got. my family hates him my friends hate him and he pretty much hates himself. not going to be his savior anymor




had a really good birthday totally partied hard that night and pretty much the whole month of december. i must confess something but i was heading down a dangerous path of least resistance to alcohol and pills. i mean nothing too serious or that i couldn't easily "control". i was stressed and really annoyed with everything including my weight couldnt understand how i gained 30lbs back and couldn't just lose it. so in the process i lost everything you know like control of pretty much anything and



thxgiving eve!

going to my first thxgiving eve dinner...i am hungry but i know to watch myself. worked too hard need to work harder if i want to be goal weight by summer. i totally forgot but when i was in the mall the other day a model agent came up to me and wanted me to model for them she exchanged info with me. i only remembered because they called me. i don't think i want to do it. i don't know why probably because i don't feel confident enough for that type of exposure. just wanted to say that I appr



little secrets

why do i have 2 blogs? and how do you change the dates on some of these blogs they are out of order..anyway it took all my strength to not weigh myself this morning. I just want to see if I lost some more weight because i'm feeling EXCELLENT! but i know i need to just wait it out till sunday at my normal weigh in time and then i will feel even better about my success! i just hate not knowing and waiting and waiting and waiting hahaha i re-read some of my old blogs and couldn't believe the jou



tonight i'm loving you

my mom asked me how i lost 9lbs in a week and i told her you really want to know the secret?????? she was like yeah please tell me! i said you really really want to know???! she said yes yes please!..!!..??..!!! then i said veggies and fruits and lean protein. eat 2 servings of veggies and a fruit. she said everyday? i said before EVERY MEAL then she made a face and was like ugh. i was like well that's the secret mom its up to you if you want to lose weight or remain a chub chub. i explained to



why would i ever

started back to eating healthy again. high protein, veggies, fruits, whole grains, and definitely no white carbs or processed food! of course most importantly no TEQUILA, whiskey, gin, rum, or vodka! i only went clubbing with gio and he still hasn't contacted me. i think it might really be over..i mean i did tell him to get out of my life and gave him his belongings in a bag..ugh i can't think like that. his mom thinks this is like any of our other fights and it will blow over i mean he was mad



shut it down

i am so miserable i keep on gaining weight and i go like on week diets but of course i get off when the weekend comes around and i drink up a storm and just go crazy. this is terrible! i can't help it i just want to have fun and drink then i get really hungry and eat late at night then go to sleep. of course i'm still with gio...but right now we're not talking same thing blah blah he'll be calling me in a few days though i already know this. well i hope he does..he was really mad this time and i



oh darling..

i'm so happy i don't know why. i became a vegan just for the next two months or so. so far i lost 6lb so its working. did i mention mario is now living in macon georgia and he's a newscaster! amazing! so proud of him! me and giovanni are not on speaking terms. i forgive him all the time. every crappy thing he does i turn the other cheek and just forgive him. i tried to ignore it, forget it, move on, blah blah but he kept on doing the same crap over and over again! i just had it! so i gave him a



oh now the blog works!

my mom is getting married in august. i'm so happy for her! fred is perfect for her. all they do is laugh and have fun together. i love seeing them together. my mom is so happy. so it looks like i must lose this weight in 6 months to fit into yet another bridesmaid dress. she wants to get married in hawaii in August! so summertime on a beach. i need to get with it seriously. no more slacking off or i'm going to start tomorrow crap. it starts NOW! i've been on vacation mode or something, eating wh




yippeee we just arrived! i am very VERY happy! waiting in line for space mountain w/mom! mouse ears! Best birthday ever!




been up since 9am! i think i'm starting to have a normal schedule again lol. some pics from today Luis and I Kilani, Claudia, Me, and Luis My favorite cutie pie! me and gio are good again. he's acting like a friend. he's coming to disneyland with me new york was cancelled because dian's grandparents came down to vegas instead. me and gio always have fun when we're out doing something active together. that's why i like him because he's always up for anything, he's never scared. anyw



the happiest place on earth!

i'm going to disneyland for my birthday!!!!!!!! yayayayayayayayayayayayay :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: so i've become obsessed with cooking. all i do is think of recipes then research ways to make them healthier. then i sit there and calculate calories, protein, carbs, etc. i prefer to bake. so i make lots of casseroles. the other day i made green bean casserole. yesterday i made beef and macaroni casserole. today i might make a tuna




today i went to the mall and i passed the foodcourt. i saw hotdog on a stick and the big picture of a cheese on a stick..i wanted one so bad. today was really really cold and all i wanted to do was indulge in any and all types of comfort food especially anything fried and cheesy! then there was the cinnabon station and omygoodness i was DYING. i walked away. i decided this week that i was going to get back on track with my weight loss so i figured no more giving into my indulgences or hasty hung



you should've said no

This is me and Luis doing our first acoustic collaboration! it's really really early and we just got back from clubbing. so we have a couple of drinks in our system and we're really tired. my voice is cracking and going off tune but whatev. i like it. we'll do better in the future i promise well gnite! <3 Mal http://www.youtube.com/user/princessmkx#p/u/0/Tor1LTgJ73k



all i wanted was you

i've been having really REALLY bad sleeping and food habits lately. I've been waking up really late and staying up till morning. Then I've been eating hecka fast food. yesterday i didn't sleep till 9in the morning so i went to mcdonalds and got a breakfast meal complete with an extra sausage burrito. i haven't eaten mcdonalds in like over a year when i decided i was cutting fast food from my diet. i feel like crap. i don't know why i'm sabotaging myself. maybe because i feel stuck because i've b



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