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So, last Sept 2016 I had a total hysterectomy with complications.  I was on bed rest for 3 months, low bp, low blood count, huge hematomia in pelvic area.  so to say really sick.  Since getting back on my feet, the hormones or lack of hormones are killing me.  I have gained 25 lbs back.  It seems I can gain weight overnight.  Help Help please. 



Day 3

The first step to a move to Hawaii has turned into a successful relocation from the Bay Area, CA. in June of 2015.  It is now New Years Day 2017.  I'm in need of a lifestyle change and have committed to discipline myself this year in order to accomplish this goal.  I love the plication I received in 2011 and now know that I will always be an emotional eater.  "In my own way", so to speak.  I have a good support system here and intend to use every advantage God has given me to get out of my own w



POST OP stalls ...we have all asked about this. Why are there such few articles on the physiology of this phenomenon?

So frustrated, so I watch the others that had surgery around the same time as I did. I have been doing the diet and vitamin routines to a "T". Why are my mates dropping pounds and my scale is goose eqq of loss every week I weigh in? Is this really a reboot? My surgery date was July 20 2016. I am down 18 pounds AND HOLDING. not sure what the heck is happening. pre op weigh in was 255 (down about 8 pounds for my liver shrinking pre op diet) 1 week out 245 (water weight I am hearing from my body



Questions about WL surgery at OCC

I am seriously considering surgery at OCC because I do not qualify in the US. My Bmi is 31, however it might as well be 51. I am so uncomfortable in my own skin that I need to do something. Excercise, dieting and food logging isn't getting me out of the obese category! My questions: Does the hospital at OCC abide by the same or similar standards as US hospitals? Is it inspected by a team to make certain that it's up to par? How often? How do I know I will be getting the gastric sleeve that



Pre op diet

I received my pre op supplies today. What vegetables am I allowed to eat?



The Journey Begins

In just 2 weeks I will go for my first pre-surgery diet and exercise appointment with my surgeon's office (5/16/16) that is required by my insurance in order to have weight loss surgery. I need 3 months of documented diet and exercise with some progress of weight loss to get approved for surgery by my insurance. This is the third time I have started this process. The first time I missed a weigh in and had to start over. The second time I was denied by my insurance because the documentation by m

Could AI develop spirituality?

Artificial Intelligence theorists spend a good deal of time thinking about how the creation of true artificial intelligence would affect society. Some brilliant minds, like Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates are rather pessimistic about what a future with artificial intelligence could mean for humankind. Others are hoping for the best. Both sides predict an event called The Singularity. The Singularity The Singularity is a term artificial intelligence theorists use to describe a point in time wher



One Year later

Well today is my one year anniversary and i am more then proud to say i have dropped 120 pounds.. and regained my life and smile. i no longer hurt every time i move and have more energy then i know what to do with... for the first time in years i actually went horseback riding which was a huge milestone for me.. Thank you OCC for allowing me to get back to what i love you guys are awesome



8 year anniversary

I've been M.I.A. for 3 years and a lot has happened. I graduated from graduate school this summer and now have a master's degree. Kyle and I have been dating for 4 years now. He is currently finishing up his last year in graduate school as well in Boston. So we're currently long distance. The last time I was on here I wrote about me getting an unfill. Well I went 3 years with an unrestricted band. Needless to say I gained my weight back and I'm currently at 319lbs. I'm really disappointed in mys



almost 3 months post op

I am almost 3 months post op. down 61 lbs from start. went from a size 16 to a size 10. I am feeling great and getting use to the mirror and how I look. I dont have much more to loose, but I have hit a wall for the past 3 weeks. My family says I shouldn't loose any more cause I look great, but that scale still calls me. Any words of wisdom.




Glad to have come across all this positive feedback about the OCC and making this decision to have Bariatric surgery. My surgery is on July 21, 2015, I am a little bit nervous because I am a revision patient. Here we go again, God willing this time is for keeps....



new me

Day one of full foods. didn't even realize it. what should I have for my first meal. LOL



I am just Loving me

I am anxious, feeling hiper alert and just plain excited that I am finally going to have the sleeve done. I made the decisión only a month ago, but after researching for entire nights and consulting my family gastroenterologist, decided to go with Dr Ortiz. I could not find a bad review for him or the center and If I am going to take the risk (no doubt any surgery is a risk) I should look for the best odds. I have come to terms with the fact that it is a selfish decision, I am doing this fo



ONE MONTH POST OP---today!!! minus 30 lbs

Minus 30 today!!! 2 more to go and never again will I see the 200's!!! I am exactly one month post op and onto soft foods. I was a little excited about the whole soft foods things but after having the poached egg, not so excited anymore. Interesting how the food did not go down so easy, its kind of hard to explain, but slow going and by the time I was done the egg was cold and I had enough anyways. You sure can feel how somethings are easy to go down and others cause you discomfort. That's a go



Just over 3 months..

Wow Wow Wow thats all i can say.. I am 3.5 months post op and down almost 80 pounds never in my life have i felt as good as i do.. i have gone from a Size 26 jean down to a loose fitting 20 almost ready for the next drop.. I walk 5 miles a day when before walking a block was a chore.. Thank you OCC you have given me my life back




My first post. Surgery date is booked May 08, 2015. Day 4 of liquid pre op diet. surprised that I am not hungry. Protein shakes, veg soup and jello. down 17 lbs from start weight. Started to get a bit teary eyed thinking about the change. Was supposed to have surgery 1 1/2 ago but had infected gallbladder which required surgery and then 6 months of waiting. So cross fingers and hope that everything turns out fine this time. Looking forward to family wedding in July. New dress.



-20 One month from the beginning

Hello Everyone!! I am officially past the 1 month mark from when I made my decision and started the PRE OP diet. I am down exactly 20lbs for my 1 month anniversary. I am now on day 10 POST OP, I am still on the liquid only part of the diet and can not say I am bored with it. Soup is my friend! Yogurts and Protein Shakes get me through the day. If I feel the need to chew I get a piece of gum. I can not believe how EASY this whole thing has been. I think today was the first time I felt hunger. I



I DID IT!!!!

I am on day 6 of POST OP... OMG this was so EASY, everything was well put together from the OCC office. I was on the 2 day liquid only diet which was easy enough, just kept water and protein shakes on hand when I felt my big guts eating my little guts, I would fill up on a shake. Omar was our driver and a very kind man who got us where we needed to be. The Marriot was the best, the pool is where I spent a few days recovering, the Chicken broth was so delish, Frank in the restaurant was very nice



Dolittle's Vacation

Do you newbies and wannabe lap-banders and sleeve patients wonder what it's like to eat at buffets in restaurants at an All-Inclusive resort? Here's how I handle it. Breakfast buffet: One egg over easy, 2 strips of bacon, 2 thin slices of grapefruit and 1 piece of steamed broccoli. The amount was just right. I didn't over do it and was very satisfied.



Dolittle's Vacation

Lunch buffet: 1 hamburger patty with a little cheese and lots of ketchup (I like ketchup), 2 small BBQ ribs and some kind of mystery meat. I ate half of the burger patty, ate some of the ribs and mystery meat and was full. A hour after lunch, and I'm not going to lie, I snuck in a very small soft serve ice cream cone.



Dolittle's Vacation

Dinner at a restaurant: I had a couple bites of a small appetizer (not pictured). Then for the main course, I had several pieces of meat and ate several bites of the tomato and potatoes, I left the rice. I still had room left to sample a little 2 inch diameter piece of cheese cake. After dinner, I socialized with our group and had a Tequila Sunrise drink. I didn't feel I over ate, But I felt full all day. I have issues with getting in my daily requirements of protein, so you'll notice I conc



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