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Wednesday,, Going home



It's a big day,, Today I head home. Staying a week in Mexico laying around a recovery house gets boring. It wasn't that I didn't like where I was or who was there with me, I was just ready to leave. I met some nice people while staying there. The staff at RBTS was very caring and loving. The girls that were there while I was there were very socialble. Kind of an everyone that's there is in the same boat as you thing. My last day was long. Breakfast at the RBTS and saying my goodbyes, then off to San Diego airport. by the time I hit home it was midnight. I'll have to work on a list of things I might have done different and things I'd recommend. Give me a couple days to think about it and I'll post it in this blog. I'd like to thank everyone who sent me email and well wishes. It ment a lot to me.


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