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yeah i would...



today me and jeri walked like 6 miles to a park, it took us 2 hours! well we walked to the park and skated around for awhile. it was sooo fun and funny! jeri fell like really hard and now her ankle is swollen and she can barely walk on it. then we were supposed to get her a tattoo for her birthday present which is in 2 days but instead i got one haha i didn't even really want another one but i guess my tattoo artist was just like ok lets do this and i was like uhhh ok whatever...oh man...oh yeah and i LOVE GIOVANNI. he's been calling/texting and hanging out with me everyday. not every other day but every single day...i don't know what has gotten into him..its so weird because i kind of actually wanted to stop being dependent and hanging out with him, then he switches it up on me. like he's dependent and clingy on me now. very interesting...anyway i've becomed obsessed with grey's anatomy. mario bought it for jake's christmas present season 1 on dvd and we watched all of it. then mario bought season 2 asap and now i'm watching disc one..well trying...gio hates it when i watch movies or tv on dvd when i'm with him. whatever, but he's not with me now so i'm going to watch it for several hours wooo hoo!!!

i've been eating really good. lots of salads, fruits, fish, and good protein. mario is on a "diet" as well so it helps me that he doesn't want to eat cookies or cake either :lol: i own size small and medium stuff now. i've been shopping. i need to stop. well ok i have stopped. 85 more lbs then i'm going SHOPPING!!!!!! woooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo

my sister hugged me today and said "hi skinny!" haha then my other friend who i haven't seen in a few months said you lost a lot of weight...so remember how i said i've been doing lots of shopping well i've been doing a lot of it and of course malls and shopping centers have nothing but mirrors everywhere right...so to my surprise i was very pleased to see the reflection staring back at me. i looked normal next to my friends especially gio. Gio is like so skinny. he's 5'10 and 150lbs...i hate standing next to my skinny friends because i just look like a monster next to them. embarrassing. but now i look ok next to them. just 85 more lbs and i'll be the small tall lean girl standing with them. i'm already tall and since i lost weight i think my body has stretched out more or something because i look really tall now. not all short and humpty dumpty. it's so good to feel this good about being 215lbs even though i'm technically still obese but i look good. i can't imagine how i'll look like at my goal weight....it's going to be amazing thats all i know ^_^ k byeee grey's anatomy!

p.s. it's kind of unbelievable that i lost 115lbs..that's like a regular sized woman or a 6'0 model hahaaa


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