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What a grand day to begin a blog! I am hoping this will help me organize my thoughts and set an account of the journey.

I have made a decision to be banded. My husband supports me, and is on board for the ride! (I love you Jim.) So now the lesson begins, research, humility, patience, saving, and relationship building. I have been surfing the forum now for a few days. Reading posts, introducing myself, and getting to know others who share this common ground. I've ordered the book, "Banded for Life." Waiting for it to arrive! I’ve been reading up on information in different websites, reading learning as I go. So far so good!

With all good things that have to be in a holding pattern, the anticipation is at an all time high. That being said, I am reminding myself to enjoy the process, not rush it. I will have the procedure soon enough. Now is the time to focus on mini goals. (A little self talk :rolleyes: )

Jim and I have discussed a time frame. We have some bills to pay off first. I am hoping by June, we will be on a course that will allow us to comfortably and responsibly take on the debt of the surgery. Although, I wish it could be here much sooner, I am staying by if it's not practical it's not spiritual foundation. With all major life changes, "things" take time and I have to surrender to the process. (No pushing Angie! No pushing! Soon enough you will be at the front of the line!)

*Note to self, when I want to rush and push, remember to think about what and why you are doing this. How long it has taken you to get to where you are. Glaciers are not formed over night, nor do they melt in one day. Easy does it!

Action and short term goals.


1. Read and learn about the procedure, side affects, requirements.

2. Become a active member of the forum.

3. Build friendships.

4. Ask questions and offer support, and help when I can.

5. Practice patients.

6. Work toward budget Jim and I have set!


1. Spending time on literature, and reading others accounts/experiences

2. I have introduced myself on the forum!

3. In progress, this will take time. I have added Robbyn as a friend on facebook!

4. I'm asking questions as they come up.

5. This one will take work! No pushing or rushing! * Read not to self! :D

6. a.We have been making good decisions on spending and putting money into savings.

b. Set up a comfortable payment schedule to pay down debt by June.


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