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haha i am so amused by the porn spammer



anyway so i got to hang out with gio's other bestgf, Diana, this sunday. Surprise surprise I really like her. She's really quiet and calm. She's not rude or stuck up at all. And she gave me lots of insight on gio and why he's absolutely insane! hahaaaaa! she told me that they used to fight like all the time but now she's learned to just "yes him to death". those were her exact words too! hahaaaa what a funny sweet girl no wonder why he likes her. which makes me think why does he like me? i think i'm the exact opposite! when you first meet me i'm loud, "rude", and give off the impression that I am just so "it"...I really don't mean to, it just kinda happens....if that makes any sense. but then when you really get to know me i'm really quiet and calm, unbelievably humble and just really down to earth. I like simple, but lots of people think i'm high maintenance. i really am not. I can walk out of the house without an ounce of makeup on and my hair in a ponytail and be every bit comfortable. i'm happy with everything given to me and i really do appreciate everything i have.

mario and jake aren't best friends anymore. they are so stupid. now jake is texting me. i mean me and jake are cool but ever since he was like "i don't like gio and i don't like you being his friend so i'm not going to be as close to you anymore" i was like "jake you are dumb goodbye". and look who is crying to me now?! and now that mario doesn't have jake he's like texting and talking to me all the time...and of course gio is like physically/emotionally dependent on me because he never leaves my side it's like now i have three boys pulling me in each direction! well...i'm so glad that gio does have diana because she talks some sense into him. i don't think i'm that good for gio because i feed his ego and i do pamper him but that's just how i am...I love my friends so I'm going to be sweet to them but when i'm mean i'm really mean so i guess it kind of throws them off...

i really hope mario comes out of this "i don't want to be jake's friend anymore" phase. but for some weird reason i don't think he's going to change his mind. jeri wants to move to LA next year with me and mario. i told her gio is going to want to come as well. she then said "he is not allowed to live with me"....hahahaaaaaaaaaaa oh wow.....mario was trying to be nice to gio but he can't stand him. and jeri can't stand him as well and she only met him once or twice. but gio likes mario and jeri....well i mean because they are my bestfriends. but that sucks that my bestfriends don't like my other bestfriend. i was thinking, why is it that i seem to be the one stuck in the middle?? i was telling Diana that it was the hardest thing ever to be neutral when it comes to gio and anybody else...its like if gio doesn't like that person i'm automatically supposed to hate that person as well when i'm actually really cool with that person..mario on the otherhand really doesn't mind who i talk to even if he is "enemies" with them. and well its really easy for me and jeri to remain bestfriends because she lives 600 miles away and we don't associate with any old classmates or friends to tear us apart.

oh yeah all day today i ate sweets and carbs...i was just so tired and i wanted comfort food. last night mario gio and i went to the gym to workout but i wasn't in workout clothes. i had flats on so i just used the elliptical machine and sitting bike thing. gio made the resistance on my bike go to max and i couldn't do it so it kept restarting...i told him to stop because he's stupid but he wouldn't. so he turned it down but made me keep pushing forward. ha that's why i love him. he pushes me i appreciate that. then he made me and mario do stretches and mario kept laughing so i kept laughing. then gio got upset and he made me get into a stretching position then he applied pressure on me which of course hurt like crazy!!! he did it on purpose <_< anyway tomorrow is a new day and no more carbs or sweets for me for a while.

anyway i'm exhausted and i'm going to sleep for 12 hours. gio is going to be over at 2pm but im not going to open the door for him because he told me he was going to tase me tomorrow with that stupid taser he bought after we watched that movie "last house on the left" because he really believes he's going to get abducted by three psycho killers...i told him i was going to drive his pretty red sport car off a cliff if he even thinks about it.


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