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Back in the states and Swine Flu oh boy!



Well, I am back to work and living life! I am feeling great and if you look at me you would not think I had surgery four days ago.

I think the fear people have about the swine flu is a bit blown up. My sitter had a mild panic attack about watching my son. My goodness, if I had swine flu, I would be ill. Odds are my family would be ill as well. I am feeling great and so ready for the healing to begin!

I am 33 days away from my 1st fill! Been drinking and having a little head hunger from time to time. Nothing to aweful!

I had a "no-no" moment yesterday. I was slicing some banana for my son Daniel, and put a piece in my mouth. I thought about spitting it out, then decided to chew it to mushy bits. A few moments after I swallowed, I had a mild chest pain and the "slimming" began. So, I walked and spit, walked and spit. My stomach said what the heck!

Guess I had to learn the hard way. No solids for 3 weeks! I have not had any hunger, but have had head hunger.

I ordered my surgery records today, and Melissa will be sending my kids meal card in the mail. I see the local surgeon on June 1st for my initial consult and first fill appointment.

I am so happy to have this band around my stomach and hope it heals well and fast.


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glad to hear you are doing well and that you are not feeling hungry,

sometimes when you read that people are still eating the same and still not losing weight i think is it worth it .

keep up the good work and keep posting you progress, i get banded on the 20 may

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Angie..... I am getting banded May 15, and have attempted to start the post -op diet this week just to see how it is going to go as we technically only need to do 10 days out. Needless to say, I'm not doing well. Trying to do the liquid diet and i'm not having good luck. Do you have any suggestions for me?

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Angie..... I am getting banded May 15, and have attempted to start the post -op diet this week just to see how it is going to go as we technically only need to do 10 days out. Needless to say, I'm not doing well. Trying to do the liquid diet and i'm not having good luck. Do you have any suggestions for me?

I do have some suggestions for you. First of all, it is hard so don't beat yourself up. I struggled with the pre-diet myself, and had little cheats almost everyday. I did started my pre-op diet really early, and thank goodness I did becuase I did end up making my 5% body fat loss goal! Can I get a woop woop! LOL Serously, that was a mini miracle. I think the pre-op diet itself has some good benefits other than lightening your liver and getting rid of the fat deposits. It helps to shrink the tissue of your stomach, as well as the size of it. Getting you ready for the 3 weeks that come post op.

The first three or four days are the hardest. I bought and ate ff jello as well as green salad. I got a few different kinds of salad spritzer too. Variety is a plus when you eat a lot of salad. TAKE the benefiber at 9 and 3 like the instructions say, it will help to give you a full feeling. Drink. drink, drink. Protein water will help curb the hunger pangs as well. You can buy the Special K protien water, crystal light, or the beneprotein in the can. (Beneprotein is a special order item.)

Identify head hunger For me, I was so use to being "head hungry", but not ever feeling hungry. My stomach seldom if ever growled, or was empty. When I finally had a empty stomach this was a cause of concern for me. Really even mild panic to be honest. I have gotten much better at the head hunger. Stay focused and remind yourself why you are doing this diet in the first place. Ask yourself, am I really hungry? Is my stomach growling? Is it empty? I talked about my struggles and got some really good pep-talks. Which helped reinforce why I was doing this pre-op diet in the first place. Consider this your last ditch effort to diet. Soon you will have the help of a friend, and you will not have to do it will the sole will power you have to now.

Remember, to do your best every day. If you have to, break down your longing to eat. Say to yourself, I am not going to eat ________ whatever food for this hour. Make it threw the hour and set a new goal. Keep in mind you are doing better on this diet than you would be eating "normal."

The more weight you loose, the better you will feel! I have lost 17 lbs! A bit slower than most, but it's what I am doing. Pick up something that weighs 17 lbs! I am no longer lugging that weight around! To me that is a sucess.

Doing well on your pre-op helps your surgery and recovery go better. It also primes you for post-op!

You can do this! If I did it anyone can do it! :P

Not sure if any of these suggestions help you but I can hope my experience will make yours a bit easier! I'll be thinking of you and your upcoming surgery!

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