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Surgery memories and events.



Okay here is the run down. I was the first one to have surgery on Friday 4/24/09! (Which was awesome!) I was in by 10 and back in my room by 10:30. Walking by 11ish. I decided to stay at the Marriott with my mom, and was back at the hotel by 4 ish. Had no gas pains. None! I don't know if this has anything to do with the price of rice, but I took Beano gas drops as I was leaving or room before surgery and took gas-x strips the day of my surgery. Like I said, I don't know if that had anything to do with not having gas pains, but hey....if it worked for me, I would recommend it for anyone.

I did a lot of walking. I am very thankful my momma (I am 33 years old and she is still my momma!) Had me walking ASAP. I told her that walking was the best way to relieve gas and she should help me to walk right away. She did her job nad for that I am very greatful and glad she went with me.

My largest incision is about an inch. It is not dead center on my tummy but inbetween my belly button and my left breast. The other 4 are very small. I did bruise, and 2 areas are still dark purple. Mind you I had to be on extra Lovenox due to blood clots complications and a previous pulminary embolism. I was the only one of the group of bandsters that day who had bruises, so I think that is why. Again, who really knows.

Saturday, the day after surgery, several of us went to the Revolution Ave to shop. We shopped for 4 or so hrs and then went to this taco joint to get some lunch for the people who could eat. After we got back to the hotel, I crashed. We were suppoe to meet back up for drinks at 8 but when my mom asked me, I couldn't wake myself enough to go. I had to take a couple doses of benedryl because I had a reaction to the adheasive tape they put on your tummy before they cut the large incision. That benedryl makes me sleepy and with the shopping and surgery, I think I was just pooped. I slept 10 hrs! Best sleep I have had since before I was pregnant with my son! LOL That in itself was a delight! Oh and I could sleep in any postion too, even on my tummy!

The next morning we left, Sunday the 26th. Now the plane rides were the hardest on me. There was a lot of turbulance and by the time I got home I was feeling wiped out. Matter of fact when I was getting in the car at the airport I was weepy. Not from pain, just a heavy emotion from seeing my family and making it back. Really the emotion was strange and it took me by suprise. My husband turned and looked at me and asked, "Honey are you crying?" I said yes. He asked it there was something wrong. No, nothing was wrong, it had been a long day and considering everything, I was emotional.

My hubby had surgery Monday morning. I went back to work on Wed. I could have easily gone back on Monday, but was very happy to spend some time with my guys.

I bought some silicone scar treatment and E sil. Up until now I have been putting neosporin s(sp) on my incision. The glue has come off the large incision very early. I mentioned previously I had a reaction to the adhesive and had to scrub to get the residue off. Even though I didn't scrub the incison, beign careful to get around it, the glue came off early. I am a bit concerned the larger scar will not have as good of healing as the rest of the incisions. I took a pic of my stomach the day after surgery, but I was not bruised yet. I'll post it tomorrow. So you can see the incisions.

The post op diet has been a breeze up until really today. I felt more hunger today. Soups are not nearly as good as I imagined they would be. The drinkable yogurt was yummy! I am sicking to the shakes for breakfast and lunch. Then for supper I am having soup. I am very ready for food again. I have had a couple small cheats. One in which I had mild chest pain and a shit load of spit. I walked it off. All over a slice of banana! My goodness. (was from my sons breakfast)

I can not complain really. The port site has been the tenderest of all the incisions. An let me tell you it is nothing to complain about. I have a good pain tolerance. I have really been the bounce back kid. Amazing! Even my momma couldn't believe how well I did.

The day I got banded there where 7 of us! Crazy!

I am on day 11 post op and today was the first day I felt true full on hunger. Soon I will be able to eat again and it will feel good to chew something!


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I have, and I am staying right at 17 lbs lost. Even with the liquids I have not lost much. *shrugs* not sure what is up with that, cuz other than a few small cheats I have stuck to the liquid diet. Anyway Boo! I am staying focused on not gaining any back since I have been on full fluids. So far, so good. I am looking forward to getting my 1st fill. My apt is for June 1st! I have a count down for that and for solids again on my facebook page. Silly huh! Day 12 of post op liquid diet.

I am looking forward to chewing something again. I am not a real gum chewer so that is a bummer!

Anyway, I have been weighing myself EVERY DAY! Sometimes in the morning and at night! Yep, I have a love hate relationship with that darn scale! LOL

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