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I Found Satisfaction



Throughout my life I've had plenty of Slim Fast drinks. The problem with them was I would drink them as a drink with my meals. I could chug a chocolate Slim Fast shake in about 4 gulps then move on to my cheeseburger and fries. So I stayed away from them. Hadn't had one in years. Well being in Kuwait, the price of everything is jacked up. I was looking to buy some protein powder but the jumbo jar was about $80. Not happening. So until my protein gets here that I just ordered from drugstore.com (thank God I have an APO address) I'm going to need to get some protein somehow. I am absolutely terrified of getting malnurished. So I bought some Slim Fast. 190 Cal, 10g Protein, 5g Fiber. I popped that baby open and oh my lord my toes curled. It was sooooooo good. I've been drinking on it for about 15 minutes now and I'm not even half way done. In fact I'm about to put it back in the refrigerator for later. It feels so good to have something yummy in front of me and be able to save some for later.


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