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My First Week



Well it's been a week since I've been banded and this afternoon I'm going to see my doc for my first check up. I have to admit that this has been easier than I thought it would be. Mentally, on a scale of 1-10 my struggles have been about a 5. Physically, my struggles have been about a 3. I was really expecting some nausea and haven't had any thank God. I do not do well with nausea. I've dropped 10 pounds but I'm not jumping for joy yet. My surgeon was hesitant to do the surgery with such a low BMI of 33.2 (Low?!) so against his wishes I fattened up a bit really quick to help him make his decision. So now I'm back to my average weight of 210. The swelling in my gut has gone away, I can now feel my port. My stab wounds itch but that's all the discomfort I feel. Oh no it's not. They gave me a shot in the bum when I was in the hospital and every now and then if I sit down with my weight on my left cheek it feels like I'm sitting on a Lego and I have to hop up. I've been doing more than I probably should have been doing. I haven't picked my 18 month old up off the floor, but I've helped her into her carseat and up and down out of her little chair. I tried pushing the grocery cart the other day and the stoller, but man that takes a lot of ab work. So I had my friend or my husband push. I did get into the pool yesterday and as long as I stayed where I could touch it felt very relaxing. Treading water is just too much right now. So far sitting up from the laying position, getting out of the bath tub, and pulling laundry out of the dryer are the hardest things. I figured that any hatred I may have for the band may be in the beginning, but I'm loving this. I want to tell everyone how awesome this is. I've even started my own yahoo group. lapbandkuwait@yahoogroups.com in hopes to find more people locally


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