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People are telling me that they can see a difference in me. Wow. And I haven't even had my first fill yet so I feel like I can eat just about anything. I'm making a conscious effort to watch my portion sizes, drink plenty of water, take super small bites and chew like a mad-woman, all in slow motion! The gals at the bead shop today told me that they can totally see a difference in my face, my tummy and my butt. Awesome!

I just wish the scales would show me that! Honestly, I get on every Friday morning and I swear they haven't budged more than 2 or 3 ounces in two weeks now!

Went out to dinner the other night with a co-worker. We each ordered the special that was a personal pizza and the salad bar. I could only eat half of my pizza and about half of my salad. And I didn't even fill my salad plate up like I normally would have done! I was pleasantly surprised, so I just took the balance of my meal home with me and had it the next night for dinner.

My co-worker, on the other hand, ate three plates of salad. And she ate it so dang fast that she was slopping salad dressing all over herself. I was so put off by it all. All I could think of was that I used to look like that when I ate, too.

Wow, I guess I am changing a little bit, aren't I?

My incision has finally closed up and is scabbing over. I am so happy about that I can't stand it! Now that it's healed enough to scab, the healing process should progress quickly. It's a little disconcerting to me, though...apparently it happens often enough that they know exactly what to tell you to watch for and how to help it heal when you call in (panicked, I might add!) but not often enough that they feel the need to disclose it in the post-op instructions.

I'm just so thankful that I didn't get an infection in it! I do honestly feel like I'm healing well, finally.

My first fill (with flouro) is scheduled for next Wednesday at 2:30. I'll be staying in SLC until Saturday morning when I come home, so if I *do* need to go in for a minor unfill, I'll be able to do so.

Yup, things are getting better for me. I may be meeting M's son tonight....he's due in from Wales this afternoon.


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