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Arrrrr... this pre-op diet has made me moody!



Holy cow ..... so I'm on day two of the pre-op diet with Ensure for Breakfast & Lunch and then a Lean Cuisine for dinner. I've probably drank enough water to equal a small lake today ..... and I learned you don't always have to flush the toilet every time you pee, especially if you go 5 times in an hour. :rolleyes: Last night I thought I was dying -- I really truly did. I'm surprised my husband didn't leave me ... boy was I moody! Nasty moody! But I figure today is a little better and I'm getting used to this liquid diet thing .... and hey ... if I really want to make a change I have to start here. Dr. Miranda told me that I need to lose 13 pounds --- I've probably pee'd that out alone tonight! hehehe .... But my husband is wonderful and came home with a card today to tell me that he supports me and loves me and will be there every step of the way...... :wub:

I came home from work today starving ..... I could have gnawed off my arm or a leg! My husband picks me up at 3pm and drives me home and then heads back to work for two hours so I'm home alone ..... looking at the fridge, the cupboards .... everything and anything that contains food. I wanted to badly to sit and eat dinner with him - last night and tonight, I just couldn't do it. I had to eat my Lean Cuisine for dinner at 3:30 .... I had a headache when I went to bed last night and one when I woke up this morning - but once I ate some dinner it went away. I know that my body is adjusting to the calories and everything else ... it'll get better .... right???? :)

My only complaint I have - is with myself -- why do I drink 2 liters of water around 6pm when I know its going to take hours to go thru me? Its 11pm and I am still peeing .... blah! Tomorrow I'm going to learn to drink it at work and get paid for it! hahahaha

All in all, I am happy with it - I weighed myself the other day when I completed my questionnaire and thought that it was great, I lost 20 pounds the last time I weighed myself ... until the scale started to flash "low" .... so I got new batteries and weighed myself again and shocked to see what I am at .... I didn't cry or get upset but it was a shocker to say the least. But its a reminder as to why I HAVE to do this ....



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I am going though the same thing! I've been in a BAD mood... my poor husband!

I am on day 8 of my Pre op, i also am starving ,

as for mood swings today was one of my worst , I was anrgry, starving, and crying....i have lost 10 lbs i need to lose 5 more by Monday August 4, this is the day i will get my band.i try to remember it will all be worth it!! hang in there i think it get's better.

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I'm hangin' in there ..... its that time when I get home from work and I'm starving phase .... I know it'll get better .... it has to ... right?!?! hahahah Keep up the good work! 5 pounds left? You can do it!!

I am going though the same thing! I've been in a BAD mood... my poor husband!

I am on day 8 of my Pre op, i also am starving ,

as for mood swings today was one of my worst , I was anrgry, starving, and crying....i have lost 10 lbs i need to lose 5 more by Monday August 4, this is the day i will get my band.i try to remember it will all be worth it!! hang in there i think it get's better.

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I'm having better luck with pre-op diet, so long as I not at a social event. In the first 10 days, I dropped 10lbs despite going to a stag in NYC. Then this week, I was in a wedding party, so a few treats and beverages were had.

I actually have no problem sticking to the diet (shake for dinner, small salad from salad bar (no dressing), and a shake for dinner), so long as I am not being social.

I've had to cancel or decline lunch offers (even the free lunch) variety, as I it would be a challenge to stick to my guns. Also, as I haven't told my friends yet, it seems odd when I am eating nothing but salads***. So it looks like if I just lock myself in my office or my condo, I'll be fine. :lol:

I don't have the problem of casing my apartment for food (unless I wanted dried pasta or oregano). My bigger issue is that so much of my social life revolves around food - wine and cheese, steak dinners, weekend brunches.

*** I plan to tell my friends, but not until the surgery is complete.

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On last thing, about every two days I try to hit the gym and burn atleast 600 calories (about 35minutes on the elliptical). This 600 calories represents the calories in the two shakes. Presumably it is helping with the metabolism too.

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Yeah the pre-op diet is going much better now ..... I don't feel like I'm starving myself. Although today I could have gnawed off a small toe -- so its getting better! hahahaha :blink: I had a some popcorn this weekend that I know I shouldn't have had but its the only thing I have strayed from all week .... but I'm right back on the shakes and Lean cuisine.

Good for you for dropping that weight in the first 10 days!!! Weddings are always hard to go to and watch what you are eating! I haven't had a salad yet -- I'm almost afraid to - my stomach has been upset for the last week and any "real" food seems to act it up quite a bit.... so I'm sticking to the liquids and LC for now. I eat it at 3:30 and I'm not even hungry at night .... I do crave a glass of skim milk though around 8:30pm!

I too have had to decline lunch dates ---- which suck! And staff BBQ's and all the fun! But you know - I knew it wasn't easy when I said I was going to make the change. I have to stick to it! There is always next summer I can eat those food! how do you think your friends will react when you tell them? You'll do good - hopefully we'll get a chance to meet when I'm down there ..... Keep me in the loop with how you are!

Oh and your note -- I'm not going to the gym right now but I'm going to take what you told me about getting on the elliptical. I don't have one of those but I do have a bike I can ride in the basement and if I do that before and after work I should be able to burn some calories - that will help won't it!? I have the Wii Fit too and you can sure do a work out on that -- especially the step aerobics for 30 minutes!!

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