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Let' get moving! And some other HONEST stuff.



I took a nice brisk walk today with my son. He was in the stroller, I was the walker. It felt so good to get back out and moving again. My injury, me falling down a flight of stairs in the middle of the night.....just call me Grace, has kept me on the sidelines. That has been hard. I've been swimming a few times 4-5 but can't seem to remember not to kick while swimming. My ankle is still swollen. Thank heavens the bruises have finally gone away. My poor leg. Anyway, the walk felt good. I have to limit my activity because it get pretty sore and swollen if I don't. I completely understand why people say they would rather break a ankle/leg then sprain it. The injury takes so long to heal and get back to normal.

I am a bit bummed, as you know I am a scale whore....when I got on the scale this morning. I was 250 even steven. I REALLY thought I would see 249. Guess my period got in the way of that. Nice, Aunt Flo arrived in the middle of the night. Which was a bit of a suprise given the fact that I have had VERY LITTLE bleeding since I got my IUD. I can't complain. I vurtually have no period each month so hey, one every so often. I can deal with.

My food log has been hurting me. Holy Cow man!


Let me pause and say, I am so grateful for this band. My eating has changed so much, and for that I am grateful. Still I strive to be better, to hit a lower number on the scale. That won't happen if I continue my LABOR DAY celebration. I tell ya, when I get off track, I really get off track. Plus, I have been diligent about posting EVERYTHING I AM EATING ON THE FOOD LOG.


I will say, it feels awful let good in a strange sort of way. I am laying it all out. The only person I hurt by not telling the truth is ME. Not anyone else. ME! So, maybe it will help others who struggle like I do.....one can hope. Just as long as I get HELP, that is what matters to me right now. Honesty is the best policy. Even if it leaves you feeling dysfunctional. Oh boy do I even feel that way when it come to FOOD.

Well better go before my son makes the litter box his new sand box! Later!


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