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My PreOp Journey



Okay.. so I have had my date for a week or so now. I am settling into that idea that this is actually happening and I am doing this! In some ways I am so excited and I can't wait until Nov. 11.

I have a lot of support and I am so thankful for that! My hubby jumped right on board and my mom is very supportive, along with almost all of my family and close friends! I am sooooo lucky!!

I have booked our flights (hubby is coming with me) and we have applied for our passports. I have also set up childcare which includes grandma, sis, and a close friend.

Carolyn initially scheduled me for the Marriot but I am gonna change it to the Lucerna.. just like the sound of it better and a fellow soon-to-be-bandster will be staying there to.

Everything is going so great except.....

I am trying to quit smoking... It is soooooo hard... I am taking Chantix and today is suppose to be my last day smoking. Hopefully, I can do this... my hubby smokes so that doesnt help.. but I know if I put my mind to it I CAN do it!!

I am also having some food issues... I have this little devil on my shoulder that is whispering in my ear that I need to stockpile on the jumk for some reason.. I have gotten him under control the last day or so.. because I dont need to gain ten pounds before I start my preop diet in a few weeks... LMAO!! I am considering weaning myself into the preop for the next few weeks. Like having a protein shake for breakfast and lunch, and a normal dinner until about three weeks out and then going full blown.

For some reason, I also seem to be down on myself more than usual.... It's like I feel every little bit of fat on me right now... I feel very unattractive and just dont even feel like accentuating my better aspects.. like the chest.. lol!!

On the flip side.. I keep thinking about the me that I can be in a year from now! Hopefully.. I will be smaller than I have been in... I cant even remember when! I cant wait to use to normal towels and go shopping and not have to buy plus size. I do worry though... about having skin issues, I already have an "apron"... I just hope it shrinks as I do!

I know that these are silly worries and I will get through them and thank goodness... the excitement is outweighing the worry!!!

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I started the pre-op early too. Good thing as I would not have made my weight if I hadn't.

Looking forward to reading more of what you have to write!

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