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The Challenge



Hey Bandster Buddie what's up? Today is day 22 after surgery....you know what that means, a food free for all...just kidding. I did pretty good today, I had porridge for breakfast, which is like oatmeal or grits. I had an eggwhite omlette for lunch. I haven't had dinner yet but I plan on having a chicken salad. I wanted to go to the gym, but I'm really sick with the flu...not swine...regular. I plan on going on Monday, I want to lose 4-5 pounds by December 4th, the date of my first fill, which is gonna be hard with no ristriction. Wish me luck.


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Thanx Angie, I can't wait until my first fill. I tried to move it up but it didnt work out, lol. I started going to the gym, two days ago was my first time, so hopefully I will start to see some real weight loss soon. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanx again.

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