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Nurse visit - Check in.



My weight loss has really slowed down. I lost 2 lbs this month. Down 8 lbs since my last fill in Sept.

I've been watching a lot of videos on you tube. People vlog about there journey. I have really learned alot. I am a visual person so it helps to see people and pictures of what they are talking about. They get honest about things and it has been refreshing.

Getting my head in the game for my next fill. Each one is a process for me. Getting use to less food and all the adjustments that come with it. I hope I will see more weight loss.

I don't have much to say really. Just wanted to check in and say I am alive and kicking!


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Angie I think you are doing great. I went back and looked at my stats and I guess about 6 months is when it started really slowing down for me. I have not had a fill in almost 6 months and I am really debating getting a "tweek", is that even a word..lol....I did contact the local Doctor hear and talked with them. I am going to call back on Monday and see if they will take me this coming week due to my GB Surgery, I might not can see them until my Doctor releases me and I might out to wait anyway for the gas and swelling to go down. My sister thinks I am crazy for wanting another fill right now, she thinks I should wait until after the Holidays so that I can eat???????? Is that not just too funny!...lol Anyway just want to say Im glad that you are still kicking! I have LOVED the visuals that you have been posting, I think it will help so many people understand!!! Again you are AMAZING and I just LOVE Ya! ;)


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Carrie - Girl you sure do know how to perk a persons spirit up. My stats are not to impressive. For me, this has been something it has taken me time to wrap my head around. I knew going in this was a slower weight loss, that the tool was not going to do all the work for me. Still I had expectations of my success, which really messed with my head. For the most part I have gotten over that part. Still has it's flare up moments. For me, I lost 4 lbs on the liquid diet. That blew me away. Now, I look at it like this. ....that is a time of healing for my body.

When I lost the 100lbs before I did it in a year. No band to help. So I guess I figured my loss would be a little bit better. Reading how people can loose 6-8 lbs a week really was impressive. That has not been my story. I have however lost 40 lbs so far and i have 5 months to go to round out the year. Which is a pretty impressive weight loss, so what the heck is there to get my panties in a bunch for?!?

I am so glad we are friends, I really appreciate you so much!!!!

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