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Day 2



Hello again!

I have returned to the hotel and thought I would take time to update the blog.

Surgery went great! Everyone there was so helpful, kind, and attentive.

We got chicken broth twice, a few otter pops, and some capri suns; which helped.

I was up and moving about an hour after my surgery and then walked the halls

about every hour. I did not sleep well though, the air/ gas in my stomach made

me feel very uncomfortable, a few of the others who had the surgery said the same.

I am still having issues with it actually. It feels like golf balls between the

lungs and ribs, and it hurts to move. Hopefully that will go away before I have

to get on the plan tomorrow afternoon to return home. I can't wait to be home

again... the comfort of my own home and relax in private.

Until next time :)



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