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3/15/10 surgery date? anyone else have the same date?



I have set my surgery date at OCC for 3/15/10. I'm just wondering if there will be anyone else going down around that same time?

I'm nervous, excited, and anxious all at the same time. I'm not telling anyone except my fiance. He is very supportive of my decision because he knows how much my self esteem has been crippled by my constant battle with my weight.

I know if I told anyone else in my family they would think I was crazy - so i'll wait to tell them until they see me losing weight and ask me how I'm doing it :).


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Good for you B2010 I'm scheduled 3/29/10 at OCC I'm excited and nervous at the same time. More nervous about the 3-week post diet.

I've only told my daughters they are all so supportive, I think they are just as excited as I am. I've mentioned it to a few of my close friends but they didn't take me seriously even said I was cheating...so I haven't mentioned it since. They will just have to wait and see as the weight falls off.

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I am scheduled for March 23, 2010 at OCC and am very nervous. I also have only told my husband and my sister. I don't want to hear any negatives about it before hand or have anyone try to talk me out of it. I am excited and nervous, and I hope it works for me. Wish I could find someone with my surgery date too, or maybe the day before.

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Good for you B2010 I'm scheduled 3/29/10 at OCC I'm excited and nervous at the same time. More nervous about the 3-week post diet.

I've only told my daughters they are all so supportive, I think they are just as excited as I am. I've mentioned it to a few of my close friends but they didn't take me seriously even said I was cheating...so I haven't mentioned it since. They will just have to wait and see as the weight falls off.

sorry for taking so long to respond. I'm new on this site so still getting used to it.

As for telling anyone, it feels just like an added headache that I don't need in my life right now. I've found in the past when I have lost weight that people in general really aren't that supportive and often times try and sabotage you (of course subconsciously they do this and not intentionally.

My fiance has been so supportive and although my bmi is not as high as some on this forum I can see the writing on the wall and the majority of the women in my family are very obese - I want to gain control now and hopefully the band will help me with my goal.

Good luck on your surgery. mine is in 13 days

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I am scheduled for March 23, 2010 at OCC and am very nervous. I also have only told my husband and my sister. I don't want to hear any negatives about it before hand or have anyone try to talk me out of it. I am excited and nervous, and I hope it works for me. Wish I could find someone with my surgery date too, or maybe the day before.

I'm also excited and nervous at the same time. I just spent last night watching some of the you tube videos by dr. ortiz. He explained a lot of things like why we have to stay on liquids, how to mentally prepare etc.... He seems very committed to overweight people and helping them to gain control of their lives.

I haven't heard of anyone around my surgery date but when I made the appointment Lori said that I took the final slot. Not sure what that means because I haven't heard of anyone else on this forum that has my same surgery date. Hopefully we'll both find someone soon. It would be comforting.

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sorry for taking so long to respond. I'm new on this site so still getting used to it.

As for telling anyone, it feels just like an added headache that I don't need in my life right now. I've found in the past when I have lost weight that people in general really aren't that supportive and often times try and sabotage you (of course subconsciously they do this and not intentionally.

My fiance has been so supportive and although my bmi is not as high as some on this forum I can see the writing on the wall and the majority of the women in my family are very obese - I want to gain control now and hopefully the band will help me with my goal.

Good luck on your surgery. mine is in 13 days

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What was your BMI ??? Mine is 29.9 and I keep being told "you can do it on your own" If you just discipline yourself..... I have been dealing with this for 20 years. (excess lbs. from 30-60 yo yo'ing) I too have 2 sisters and a mother that are close to 300 lbs./diabetic and HBP. Don't want to wait until that point. Let me know how you do thru surgery. I have an initial visit in 4 days. I would love to follow your progress. The best of luck...

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What was your BMI ??? Mine is 29.9 and I keep being told "you can do it on your own" If you just discipline yourself..... I have been dealing with this for 20 years. (excess lbs. from 30-60 yo yo'ing) I too have 2 sisters and a mother that are close to 300 lbs./diabetic and HBP. Don't want to wait until that point. Let me know how you do thru surgery. I have an initial visit in 4 days. I would love to follow your progress. The best of luck...

Hi there!

My bmi starting was 32 - I've heard people tell me over and over "you can do it on your own" well yea you know what - they are probably right at some level - but obviously I didn't have the will power to do it alone. I haven't been overweight my entire life and I really didn't want to spend the rest of my life battling this 50lbs that I want gone. Instead I wanted some help to live the life I want! And who knows better for yourself than YOU what YOU want for your life.

I really feel like people around us (especially those that struggle with their own weight) are selfish when someone tries to better themselves. Even when I've lost weight before and on a diet - people have said "oh you're not THAT overweight you don't need to lose weight"

I think deciding on whether to get the band or not has to be a decision that is all your own. I personally do get stressed, and swayed by what others think so I only told one person and he was surprisingly supportive. I really don't plan on telling anyone else - because I don't feel like I should have to explain or justify to anyone what my decisions are.

As for my experience so far - the OCC is top notch. Everything you've read on this forum in spot on about the facility and the doctor. They are truly blessed and I believe have a true passion for the work they do. They know they are helping people and Dr. Ortiz runs a tight ship there. Everyone from the hotel staff, drivers, admin, nurses, and other doctors are the best of the best. You can take that they all take great pride in their work and the commitment that they have to their work. I went to TJ alone and I felt safe the entire time, and I felt well taken care of. I never really felt alone either because of other patients that I interacted with and because the staff was always very attentive.

I'm on day 4 of my post-op liquid diet. I'm not going to lie the first 3 days have been hard. it's 10:30am on the 4day and I'm feeling much better with the hunger pains. I'm not sure if it's been actual hunger pains or gas but it's been hard. It's a mental battle at this point but I know it's the last one I will finally have with relationship to my weight. I finally have some help and I don't regret having had the lap band placed or having went to OCC.

If you have any questions please let me know or you can always check out some of my other posts. I'll try to keep up on my blogs as time goes on so you can keep up with my progress.

best of luck and I hope you find comfort in making the right decision for you and you alone! :)


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Hi there!

My bmi starting was 32 - I've heard people tell me over and over "you can do it on your own" well yea you know what - they are probably right at some level - but obviously I didn't have the will power to do it alone. I haven't been overweight my entire life and I really didn't want to spend the rest of my life battling this 50lbs that I want gone. Instead I wanted some help to live the life I want! And who knows better for yourself than YOU what YOU want for your life.

I really feel like people around us (especially those that struggle with their own weight) are selfish when someone tries to better themselves. Even when I've lost weight before and on a diet - people have said "oh you're not THAT overweight you don't need to lose weight"

I think deciding on whether to get the band or not has to be a decision that is all your own. I personally do get stressed, and swayed by what others think so I only told one person and he was surprisingly supportive. I really don't plan on telling anyone else - because I don't feel like I should have to explain or justify to anyone what my decisions are.

As for my experience so far - the OCC is top notch. Everything you've read on this forum in spot on about the facility and the doctor. They are truly blessed and I believe have a true passion for the work they do. They know they are helping people and Dr. Ortiz runs a tight ship there. Everyone from the hotel staff, drivers, admin, nurses, and other doctors are the best of the best. You can take that they all take great pride in their work and the commitment that they have to their work. I went to TJ alone and I felt safe the entire time, and I felt well taken care of. I never really felt alone either because of other patients that I interacted with and because the staff was always very attentive.

I'm on day 4 of my post-op liquid diet. I'm not going to lie the first 3 days have been hard. it's 10:30am on the 4day and I'm feeling much better with the hunger pains. I'm not sure if it's been actual hunger pains or gas but it's been hard. It's a mental battle at this point but I know it's the last one I will finally have with relationship to my weight. I finally have some help and I don't regret having had the lap band placed or having went to OCC.

If you have any questions please let me know or you can always check out some of my other posts. I'll try to keep up on my blogs as time goes on so you can keep up with my progress.

best of luck and I hope you find comfort in making the right decision for you and you alone! :)


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So impressed to hear you went to TJ by yourself...Do you live near there??? I live in Mississippi and am concerned about fills. Where will you get fills done?

Did you stay in San Diego a few days or did you travel home soon after surgery? I don't want to vomit on Plane. Make good notes about the liquid phase..what you drink, how you cope with hunger, how you feel, etc. Any info would be helpful. Good luck with your journey. Kimbelry

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So impressed to hear you went to TJ by yourself...Do you live near there??? I live in Mississippi and am concerned about fills. Where will you get fills done?

Did you stay in San Diego a few days or did you travel home soon after surgery? I don't want to vomit on Plane. Make good notes about the liquid phase..what you drink, how you cope with hunger, how you feel, etc. Any info would be helpful. Good luck with your journey. Kimbelry

I actually live in Alaska :) so no not close at all. I had looked into doctors up here to get my fills done but honestly before I sent for surgery I had planned on going to a doctor locally that I had found. There are some topics on here to help find a list of fill doctors that will fill you if you were banded in Mexico. You can ask the moderator Dolittle for the list in your area. However, after going to the OCC and seeing how knowledgeable they are about the lapband and how thorough they are I'm planning on going back to OCC for fills.

My trip was as follows: arrived San Diego on 3/14/10 relaxed in hotel, surgery 3/15/10 OCC, returned to hotel 3/16/10, flight left San Diego 3/17/10. The one day of rest on the 15th and 16th was plenty and I felt fine to fly on the 17th. I'm attaching a note that I just wrote to another friend of mine on here that is going for surgery on 4/15/10. Maybe it can answer some of your questions too.


As for how I'm feeling. I'm feeling great. After the 3rd day of liquid diet it's gotten 90% easier for me to stay on the liquid phase of post op. Geez those first 3 days were really really hard. It definitely helps to know that if you eat or drink something that you will mess up the band. If I didn't have that hanging over my head, I don't think i'd be able to have made it. I think it may have been gas, but my stomach was saying "feed me" for sure. That has now subsided (Thank GOD!)

Now it's a mental battle. I've been having to prepare my sons food and surprisingly it has been easier than I thought - but that sausage and eggs smelled sooooo good last night! :) I just keep telling myself that after this 21 days - it won't be so hard so I gotta put in my time now.

I can say that you will definitely want to take things to drink after surgery. Things that are small and easy to pack. Special K protein water (probably saved my life the first 3 days), Full Bar water packets (they help you to feel full and ad some flavor to your water). Crystal Light packets ( I just bought the cheaper walmart version). Bullion cubes (because you will want something warm at some point). I didn't bring enough things to drink for the day after surgery but the hotel gives water and I ordered chicken broth and 2 apple juices the day after surgery. It was free too - didn't have to pay for it at check out so if you do order from the hotel after surgery make sure to tell them to add it to your room.

Oh yea - one other thing. Don't give the hotel your credit card at check-in. They asked me for one but I didn't even bring a credit card with me so since the OCC is paying for it - don't give it to them because then you have no chance of getting charged for anything.

Also - the hotel does have free wi-fi in the rooms :)

As far as other things to bring...... I would say definitely bring a few tighter fitted tank tops for after surgery. I'm still wearing them daily and it feels better because after surgery you do get the sensation of the port "pulling away" I'm sure that's NOT what it's doing but it feels better to wear a fitted tank top because it feels like it holds everything in nicely. Especially on the plane ride it was much more comfortable.

hmmm....what else. someone had said bring a heating pad - and I did but didn't find the need to use it. The hotel provides nice lotion, shampoo, soap etc but I still brought some of my own.

Bring GAS-EX!!!!!!! I wasn't super gassy. I mean I burped a few times but my stomach was gurgling a lot and I think that this is what made me feel like I was hungry because now that I've been taking it daily I don't feel that way.

Oh yea the beds at Lucerna and at the OCC are really comfortable. I didn't have any trouble falling asleep. Nice and quiet in both places.

Ok i know this email was kind of all over the place just wanted to get all the important info in there. I see your surgery is on the 15th of April. I'm wondering if that would be too soon for me to get a fill but I'm going to email Dr.So and find out. It would be cool to go together!

Also - just cause some people aren't posting on the April surgeries section - don't worry. No one responded and said they had a surgery on the the 15th of March either but there were 8 patients that got the procedure that day. pretty much all of them said they read the board but never posted. So - don't let that make you think you'll be alone cause I'm sure you won't be.

Even the next day there were 3 patients going in - so - :)

i'm so excited for you.....it'll be a great experience for you and a step in the right direction for a wonderfully healthy life! and you'll look HOT :) lol which is what i'm looking forward to myself.


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I actually live in Alaska :) so no not close at all. I had looked into doctors up here to get my fills done but honestly before I sent for surgery I had planned on going to a doctor locally that I had found. There are some topics on here to help find a list of fill doctors that will fill you if you were banded in Mexico. You can ask the moderator Dolittle for the list in your area. However, after going to the OCC and seeing how knowledgeable they are about the lapband and how thorough they are I'm planning on going back to OCC for fills.

My trip was as follows: arrived San Diego on 3/14/10 relaxed in hotel, surgery 3/15/10 OCC, returned to hotel 3/16/10, flight left San Diego 3/17/10. The one day of rest on the 15th and 16th was plenty and I felt fine to fly on the 17th. I'm attaching a note that I just wrote to another friend of mine on here that is going for surgery on 4/15/10. Maybe it can answer some of your questions too.


As for how I'm feeling. I'm feeling great. After the 3rd day of liquid diet it's gotten 90% easier for me to stay on the liquid phase of post op. Geez those first 3 days were really really hard. It definitely helps to know that if you eat or drink something that you will mess up the band. If I didn't have that hanging over my head, I don't think i'd be able to have made it. I think it may have been gas, but my stomach was saying "feed me" for sure. That has now subsided (Thank GOD!)

Now it's a mental battle. I've been having to prepare my sons food and surprisingly it has been easier than I thought - but that sausage and eggs smelled sooooo good last night! :) I just keep telling myself that after this 21 days - it won't be so hard so I gotta put in my time now.

I can say that you will definitely want to take things to drink after surgery. Things that are small and easy to pack. Special K protein water (probably saved my life the first 3 days), Full Bar water packets (they help you to feel full and ad some flavor to your water). Crystal Light packets ( I just bought the cheaper walmart version). Bullion cubes (because you will want something warm at some point). I didn't bring enough things to drink for the day after surgery but the hotel gives water and I ordered chicken broth and 2 apple juices the day after surgery. It was free too - didn't have to pay for it at check out so if you do order from the hotel after surgery make sure to tell them to add it to your room.

Oh yea - one other thing. Don't give the hotel your credit card at check-in. They asked me for one but I didn't even bring a credit card with me so since the OCC is paying for it - don't give it to them because then you have no chance of getting charged for anything.

Also - the hotel does have free wi-fi in the rooms :)

As far as other things to bring...... I would say definitely bring a few tighter fitted tank tops for after surgery. I'm still wearing them daily and it feels better because after surgery you do get the sensation of the port "pulling away" I'm sure that's NOT what it's doing but it feels better to wear a fitted tank top because it feels like it holds everything in nicely. Especially on the plane ride it was much more comfortable.

hmmm....what else. someone had said bring a heating pad - and I did but didn't find the need to use it. The hotel provides nice lotion, shampoo, soap etc but I still brought some of my own.

Bring GAS-EX!!!!!!! I wasn't super gassy. I mean I burped a few times but my stomach was gurgling a lot and I think that this is what made me feel like I was hungry because now that I've been taking it daily I don't feel that way.

Oh yea the beds at Lucerna and at the OCC are really comfortable. I didn't have any trouble falling asleep. Nice and quiet in both places.

Ok i know this email was kind of all over the place just wanted to get all the important info in there. I see your surgery is on the 15th of April. I'm wondering if that would be too soon for me to get a fill but I'm going to email Dr.So and find out. It would be cool to go together!

Also - just cause some people aren't posting on the April surgeries section - don't worry. No one responded and said they had a surgery on the the 15th of March either but there were 8 patients that got the procedure that day. pretty much all of them said they read the board but never posted. So - don't let that make you think you'll be alone cause I'm sure you won't be.

Even the next day there were 3 patients going in - so - :)

i'm so excited for you.....it'll be a great experience for you and a step in the right direction for a wonderfully healthy life! and you'll look HOT :) lol which is what i'm looking forward to myself.


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Great Info!!! I made a list of all your liquid suggestions for packing. I am most concerned about the 21 day liq. period.

Is it manageable? With an entire life centered around the next meal or snack, I think that will be harder than the surgery itself! I have to get my head straight before I go....attitude adjustment....I definitely don't want to be heavy for ever. I need to think about 21 days vs. a lifetime of looking and being fit. Hopefully, prayer will help. Please let me know what you do to better manage your hunger, etc during the liquid phase.

The tank top suggestion was excellent. I will take close-fitting yoga type tops. Did you find gas-x in liquid form or can you take a pill? WHat about vitamins, meds, etc. that may be tablet form?? Is this considered a no-no?? What was your starting BMI?? Mine is 30 and I am wondering at what rate I could expect to lose.

What was the time-line from when you made the decision until you had the surgery? Was the process complex? Lots of hoops to jump through??

Did you use a credit card for payment??? I had planned to use it, but noticed an additional 250. $ fee for credit card useres...

Is there a set fee for the surgery? I am trying to get into the Clinic at Cancun. Dr. Ortiz also practices there. I am afraid the cost may be quite a bit higher than TJ, but will investigate. I know this is full of questions, but I appreciate any help you could offer. Good Luck on your decision to get healthy and fit!!! Let me know how you progress!!!


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