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Three More Days!



Oh gosh, I am so anxious. I'm excited and scared. This is really a last resort for me and I want this to work. My husband says to focus on success not on failing, so I'm going to try that.

The pre-op diet is difficult for me because, face it, I like to eat. I'd lost 8 lbs as of yesterday. But, as I always do, when I felt successful I rewarded myself. I didn't eat anything "bad", but I just nibbled a little bit of this and a little bit of that and today I had gained a pound back since yesterday. So, for the next three days it's 2 liquids and 1 lean cuisine.

I made my son's lunch today and that sure was difficult. Hubby has been making them dinner but I do the lunches. Today was a real challenge. I don't know how I'm going to put his lunch together while I'm on 3 weeks of liquids without tearing off a piece of lunch meat and shoving it into my face.

That's it for now. Laterz!


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I am going to have my surgery on 03/23/2010, and I am very scared about the diets and feeding kids as well! I have 2 at home and my husbands kids will be coming for spring break for one of my pre-op dieting weeks, which will be hard, because we normally try to do a lot and eat out a lot while we have them, so that is going to be a challenge. But I did want to mention that I was told on the first week post op when it is clear liquid you can drink Isopure Protein drink (available online at amazon or a local GNC). The protein will help with hunger. Best of luck! Please let me know how your experience goes with the surgery.

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It went great!!

I bought that Isopure also. Just keep in mind that you don't want a fatty liver that complicates the surgery. That's what I kept telling myself. Everytime I said no to something I imagined my liver getting cleaner. I lost 10 lbs exactly. lol.

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