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Slowly but surely!



So, slowly but surely, the weight is coming off. I'm at about 40 pounds currently, with two fills. I've made an appointment for my third fill; it's scheduled for Thursday, April 8.

I'll leave here at oh-dark-thirty that morning, go to SLC for the fill, then spend the night in SLC. Next morning I'll get up and head up to IF to spend the weekend with my son, my daughter-in-law and my not-yet-born (but will have been born by the time I get there) grandson. I am *so* excited to be going! My first grandson, to go with my two granddaughters! My granddaughers are from my middle child, my oldest daughter. This new baby will be the first for my son, who will be 30 in July. I'm having a tough time imagining him being a daddy!

The Dr. told me that I probably wouldn't get good restriction until my third fill, which has so far proven true. I can eat bagels still. I'm hoping the third fill is the charm!

I have three boxes of clothes to give to my sisters now. My one sister knows I had surgery, but the other one doesn't. I told the sister who doesn't know that I'd 'grown out of' my pants. Little does she know that I meant I've grown mentally and emotionally, not physically. She's gonna be shocked when she sees me.

Laura went to Cuidad Juarez and had her surgery two weeks ago. The Dr. there filled up her band with 2 cc's of saline, so she already has really good restriction. I feel like I got cheated...I have had to pay over $700 more than she did for the same amount of restriction because I've had to pay for two fills and the flouro for them. I *know* I shouldn't feel like that, but I do, dangit!


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