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getting off my a-s-s



so last week i started to swim :D i look terrible in my bright red bathing suit but i don't really care. i don't mind looking bad for a couple of months if this is gonna get me back into a pretty little bikini. so, since i started swimming only 2 days and eating well.. i lost 2 lbs! come on! it doesn't get better than that. i actually enjoy swimming so im going to be doing it for as long as i can. hate running so swimming laps is my best friend. my first day i swam for about half an hour only because i didn't have any gogles. but the second time i stayed for one hour! im really excited and happy to just get back on track and start seeing the results i need to see.


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i used to be a swimmer wow what that can do to your body long and lean is what my coach used to say, really good for your muscles, that would be my choice if there was a pool around, unfortunately i have to walk. wich i hate but need to do it right. keep up the good work its all gonna pay off. Your gonna look like a million bucks.

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