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Starting all over



I've always kept extreme details of my workouts.

This was in my past life, when I was completely over board with everything I did.

But journaling kept me focused & on track. And knowing I was motivation for others out in cyber-land kept me really motivated and excited to keep going.

I keep a w/o journal, but it's all written down - i'd just have to transcribe everything after i get back from the gym, which was never a big deal. I'm on the computer anyways ...

But I'm thinking about starting a blog again.

I was wondering if this might be motivation to those in the lap band community, who forget how crucial and important working out is, and diet.

I'm finally seeing real results from the hard work I'm putting in every. single. day.

Not binging is my real challenge. Especially after 10pm. That's when I fight the fake-hunger, as I call it.


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Hi Lindsay,

It would be motivational to me...I have the whole binging issue too..but the thought of having a band has helped this a bit..I don't think I want to test it yet...of course its only been 5 days..I plan on going home tonight and doing Leslie's walking DVD.

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It would definitely be motivation to me. I'm like you - at one point of my life I've been anorexic and obsessed with working out. Things would always start out healthy and then I'd go nuts - I have 3 more days before I can start working out and I'm looking forward to starting slowly and just staying steady. Seeing what you're doing would help to see something visual for working out.

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