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Another Personal Victory



Last night was another personal victory, which may seem small to some but for me was kind of a big deal...so, here I was sitting at home feeling sorry for myself as I look in the fridge at three types of soup..booring, soon over though...anyway, I picked my evening dinner soup, did my reading homework, and decided it was time to do my "in house walking" tape by Leslie Sansone. Now I had to really clean house to find this DVD since I had moved stuff around after my husband died a year and a half ago..yes, that's how long it had been since I used this particular DVD...So up to my room with DVD in hand..popped it in at got down to walking...midway through I had this thought....this is not so hard..I am keeping up and not over tired..last time I did this DVD I barely got through it...I was so excited..of course I was also 45 pounds heavier...no one home to share this small victory, so I am sharing it here. Another side effect was that I didn't eat out of boredom but instead did something good for myself..


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Fantastic!! I need to pick up on some of your habits. That sounds like it did you a world of good and I am sure it would help me too. Keep up the great work and keep us posted on your success.

Best of Luck


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Thanks for you words of encouragement...today was my first day of Tai Chi..not for sissys and not as easy as it looks..my new instructor went easy on me since I am a bit sore still and a newbie..but I am going back..used muscles I didn't know I had..

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