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The fifth day



What up, What up. Well let's see day five is done. This was my first tough day. Hunger kind of crept up on me a lot today. I did not do that bad though. I did my usual for the day with 2 cups of coffee, and a shake in the am oh yeah and a Metamucil capsule. For lunch I had a bag of celery with Wishbone Spritzer and a shake. I came home and had a lean cuisine angel-hair pasts and shrimp + a lean cuisine steak, mushroom and cheese panini and a bowl of steamed broccoli. I guess I can't watch Food Wars for a while

I'm going to go up to the dells and open up our camp Thursday and Friday. Hopefully I can get the leaf blower to blow or I'm going to have to do it the hard way. Put up the gazebo, chairs, table, chimes and our various wolf type creatures. Maybe go down to the river and see if there are any walleye below the dam. So days seven and eight will be delayed, Not that it matters ,but it's still fun. I can't believe I leave in four days.


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