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Hi everyone, I haven’t posted to this blog in a while so I have some catching up to do. Basically for the last couple of months my third fill has been pushed back for several reasons. It was scheduled for Friday February 26th. We had a huge snow storm and my doctor had to re-schedule. I re-scheduled with Fill Center USA, for Friday April 2nd. This was a tentative date because they didn’t have the doctors schedule for April as yet so within a couple of days they called me back and told me that the doctor was going to be on vacation for that entire week. So I had to re-schedule again. So the new date was for Wednesday March 24th. I kept my fingers crossed because I had no restriction and could basically eat anything that I wanted. I was working out with a trainer and eating as best as I could but the weight really wasn’t coming off. My scale was showing that I had only lost 6 pounds since last fill which was over two months prior. So the day finally came and I almost missed the appointment ugh… Basically I have to drive my car to the train station, take a train to the Greyhound bus and the bus drops me in Mt. laurel, then I have to take a cab to the actual location. Transportation costs to and from my Fill Center usually run me 70-80 bucks. But I don’t really mind any way, when I was on the subway there was a problem on the tracks and they kept my train in one spot for what seemed like forever. I was sure I was going to miss my appointment and almost started to cry, but thankfully God was on my side and I ended up getting there with time to spare. I reached the fill appointment early and saw Dr. Lee. He weighed me, which is usually the first thing he does after I sign the wavier sheet. He said I only lost 4 pounds since last fill WAHHH. I had been weighing in at 6 pounds lost for the longest time so obviously his scale was wrong…Right??? Anyways I went through the procedure of getting the fill. I lay down on the table, he searches for the port, injects the huge needle into the port, he takes out all old liquid to make sure there in no leaks. Then he re-fills it and has me sit up on the table, he adds a little liquid at a time, and has me drink water to see how much I can get down comfortable. I went up to 7.7 cc’s from 5.6cc’s in an 11cc’ band. After the fill Dr. Lee saw that I was still depressed at the fact that I had only lost 4 pounds, he said that was doing fine, I was behind in my weight loss but I hadn’t gained so I was still doing well. He said that with this fill I will definitely see some weight loss. I wasn’t sure what to expect because I hadn’t had much restriction up until this point. That all changed. Once I started eating solid foods I could feel the difference. This is what I had been waiting for all this time. I could only really eat a small amount of food then stop. I pb’ed for the first time, when I eat cold chicken. It went down fine when it was hot. I chewed it long enough, but when I ate it cold It got stuck bad and I felt it coming back up. I will spare you all the details but that was not fun at all. I pb’ed another two times after that I am still getting used to not being able to eat copious amounts of food. But yeah to get up to the present time I have finally reached ONDERLAND. Yay for me. I weighed in at 199.5 on my gym scale last night but I didn’t believe it because I figured that it was because I had just finished a workout. So when I got on my scale this morning and it said 199 I almost cried. I was sooo happy, since the beginning of this Journey I have always wondered how I would feel when this day came; I never thought it would feel this good. Thank you all for reading this long @ss post have a great day. I will be in the gym this afternoon after work. I want to push myself a little harder to see what the results will be.


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I am soo happy for you and I feel like crying tears of joy with you!!! I am at 8cc in the 11cc band myself and I know what you mean about feeling it now. Unlike my first 3 fills that i got every month, I think this one is going to be around for awhile before I actually need another fill!! I think I am more happy about the thought of not having to go back for another fill for several months then I am about the restriction :lol:

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I am soo happy for you and I feel like crying tears of joy with you!!! I am at 8cc in the 11cc band myself and I know what you mean about feeling it now. Unlike my first 3 fills that i got every month, I think this one is going to be around for awhile before I actually need another fill!! I think I am more happy about the thought of not having to go back for another fill for several months then I am about the restriction :lol:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I fell the same way about this fill. I hope I will not need another one for a while. The journey to my fill center is long and arduous, and I am not looking forward to doing it again for a really long time. I am glad that I joined this blog and have support from ppl like you, I means a lot to me.

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same here... i actually read the whole thing, either you are a really good writer or this story is amazing... really honestly happy for you... congratz and thankyou for the motivation.

LOL, Thank you. It definitely happened, I remember the stress and aggravation like it was yesterday. I would also like to think that I am a good writer. I appreciate ur comment and ur support. I’m glad that I can motivate someone on this forum, everyone here have been such an inspiration to me, I’m glad I can pay it forward.

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