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It's the little things



Yesterday afternoon, as I was enjoying the thunderstorm outside, I decided that I should go through my very overpacked closet and pare things down. I had been planning to do that for ages because there were many things in there that I just simply do not wear anymore. However, there were two additional things that happened that I really didn't expect.

First off, I started looking at my winter clothes and realized that I likely would never wear some of these items ever again. This was a pretty shocking thing for me. I love hooded sweatshirts and there were 5 or 6 in there that are just simply going to be too big by the time we get back to cold weather around these parts. I will admit there was a tiny twinge of sadness or whatever in seeing these things go because they had been my "fat shield" for years. (nothing like baggy clothes to make people think you aren't fat, right!) That feeling passed very quickly as I realized that I won't NEED that "fat shield" anymore. It was pretty awesome.

Second, I found several items of clothing in my closet that I had outgrown but that now fit just fine. In fact, there were 2 concert t-shirts that I had bought a few years ago from my favorite band that I never wore because they were too tight. I got them simply because they were unique and I wanted to hope that one day I would be able to wear them. That day was yesterday because I tried them on and they both fit great! To say I was happy would be a colossal understatement. Even better is the fact that I know I will be outgrowing (undergrowing?) them in a month or two as I continue to lose. It's just amazing so far. Two weeks in and I loving it!

(Also, can you get over how much room fat people clothes take in the closet?? Holy hell, I feel like I have a whole new closet available to me.)


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That is GREAT!!

You hit the nail right on the head. I never thought of that before....meaning the fat clothes taking up so much room in your closet....and mine too. LOL

Another thing you mentioned about finding clothing you could no longer wear and now you can wear them again. I too found favorites in my closet that I really thought I would never wear again (too small for me) but now, they fit. It is one terrific feeling. I still have clothes that are too small, but my plan is to get those to fit one day too. I kept clothing that I thought might give me incentive to lose weight. I am glad now I did. I have tons of clothes, of many different sizes. Now, I realize I am a packrat.

Thanks for sharing your story. Made me happy to know there are people out there who are like me in many ways.

Best of Luck!


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