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Learning the new life continued



Well, here I am three weeks after my first fill...how am I doing? Well not too sure..most days I do real well. I thought I was well on my way to learning and living a new life..then bam..life interrupted..Both of my kids are home for the summer and I was not prepared for having two college age kids descend upon me...so my new routine in one week went out the door. In all fairness it has been a crazy two weeks since my daughter graduated college last week and this week moved back home with all her stuff in tow and we have a house full of relatives hanging out for her big party this weekend. What I didn't take into consideration or plan for was all the emotions this would cause, bring up, surface for me. Now I feel like a train wreck..but I think that I can at least slow it down by writing here in my blog, taking some time for reflection, and comeing up with a plan for the remainder of my events. It hasn't been all bad, I still ate a lot less than I would have without the band, I did not overeat to a point of illness, and I have not gained weight...look for the positives. Oh, and I recognized eventually that I need to stop and think/recognize my feelings and work through them..that's a new and big experience for me without the use of food...so onward, every day, every week is a new learning experience and I am thankful for that and what I am learning...


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