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Wacky world of restriction



I've had good restriction for over 6 months now, and it still surprises me how much it can change from week to week. And what's funny is that I seem to forget this every month. Two weeks ago I was wondering if I should get a very small fill just to help me with these last 10 pounds. Then this past week I am so tight I have to watch how fast I drink my water and I'm down 2 pounds in one week (154.4 today – yay!). It seems to happen every month, about a week before and a week after my period I have only minimal restriction. And then right in the middle of my cycle I am really tight. I'm going through such wild hormonal changes I figured it would be best to get my fills in mid-cycle because I thought I'd be tighter when I got bloated right before my period. But it seems to have the opposite effect. Go figure. But after this past week I really don't want to be any tighter. I wish we could have the option to do our own fills. I love my fill doctor, but I really don't want to pay to see her every 2 weeks. So I'm writing this post so I can look at it in 2 weeks and remind myself that I do NOT want more restriction. This is good right here. It hurts to drink big gulps of water and I'm still full hours after I eat. I just drank some water now after our walk and I think dinner is still there 1 1/2 hours later.

So here I am, PMS week is next week and I am feeling extra motivated because I broke through my plateau. Plus I am coming up on the last week of my 8 week challenge and I'm so proud of myself for making it this far. I have been thinking about the next big goal and I think I'm going to do the 18 week challenge from Bill Phillips – see www. transformation.com

I think I might do 2 steps per week and see if I can do it in 9 weeks. I get bored after about 6 weeks, and I think I've already got a lot of momentum going from the last 6 months. I don't have the book yet, but I should have it this week. My 1st year bandiversary is coming up in September and I really, really want to be at my goal weight by then. Just about 10 more pounds and I'm there. I am so happy to know that I will not put back on the weight as easily as I have done in the past. I don't think I will put it back on, but if I do at least I know I won't let it get out of hand again. I'm really celebrating freedom this 4th of July.


Goals for week - focus on healthy snacking, continue with protein beg. of every meal, increase exercise intensity, strength training


Exercise: 20 + 25 + = .75

Eating goals: good

snacks: too many sweets


Exercise: 60 + 25 + 10= 1 hr 35

Eating goals: good

snacks: 1 good, 1 not-so-good


Exercise: 30 + 25 + 15 = 1 hr 10 min

Eating goals: good

snacks: lots of fruit & veggies


Exercise: 90 + 25+ 20 = 2 hr 15

Eating goals: good

snacks: half good


Exercise: 25 +15 + 20= 1 hr

Eating goals: good

snacks: excellent!

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HI Margie. Thanks for sharing this. I am going to start period in the next two or three days and I am ravenous! my band is letting me eat a lot right now. so im curious to see if it will slam shut during period as youve experienced. congrats on completing your 8-week goal. thats fantastic!

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