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Final week of my 8 week challenge



Wow, I can't believe I'm starting my final week and I have less than 10 hours of exercise to hit my goal. I even got to 153.8 on the scale yesterday morning so I'm going to count that as 4 pounds lost in 7 weeks. I'm hoping to maintain that in the next week, which is a good goal for pms week. I am feeling great - had a hard time getting to my exercise goal this past week because of a big work project, but that was done Wed. morning and I am now back to a somewhat normal pace. And I even lost weight during all that stress. I'm not sure if it's from good restriction or if all my emotional work is really paying off. Food just doesn't have as much allure as it used to when I'm feeling upset or stressed out. Now I am turning to exercise and yoga stretches. It's so nice to be in this place.

I am so excited about my trip next week. I want to decide on my next big goal before this one ends. This daily tracking of exercise and eating habits has really worked for me. I still can't believe it's been almost two months since I've been doing this. Slow and steady always works for me in the long run. I'm not a very patient person, so I have to keep reminding myself that I will get there eventually. And this time I'll be able to stay there. That is the best part.

Goals for final week - focus on veggies for snacking, continue with protein beg. of every meal, increase exercise intensity, strength training


Exercise: 1 hr 15 + 20 + = 1 hr 35 (ent 1.5) 5 min over

Eating goals: good

snacks: great


Exercise: 20 +10 + 15 = 45 (ent .75) still 5 over

Eating goals: good - not very hungry

snacks: very good


Exercise: 30 +50 +20 = 1 hr 40 (ent 1.75)

Eating goals: missed lunch

snacks: not good -craving salt & carbs (pms)

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