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Working through the challenges with my new life...



Well it's been one month since I started my new job in addition to my day job....teaching adults is great! I am just having trouble adjusting to the new schedule and finding the right times to eat, and the right food combo. I notice that with all the stress of the new job the band feels tighter. I often have had food get stuck, which never stuck before..I think my new life tool is helping..It slams me right back to reality....NO you can't shove food down your throat mindlessly, YES you do have to slow down and chew, and watch what you eat, and make the right food choices. All this has been more learning than I have done in 20 years. I have not been a this weight for 20 years, and even though I am not loosing right now (which I will not panic over, I am not gaining either), I am learning and adjusting to the weight loss at a speed that suits me physically and mentally...This weekend was the first time I have been able to catch my breath and again begin to focus on self care and my new life journey...I know I need to carve out exercise time for myself, and stretching, along with my swimming..this might be a challenge, but I do know the new times I will ask for when the next semester starts.


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Good job, I find I put my exercising to the back burner...and need to focus more on this...mmmmm, I guess i should start next week??? ha ha...I do try to walk as often as possible, take stairs instead of the elevators...but really need to get into a routine. As long as we lose a pound or so a week, i am happy happy happy....26 lbs to go for goal weight! Keep up the good work and exercise!

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I too have put exercise on the back burner. Generally, it is at the end of my semesters when everything is due. I'm an adjunct college professor at two schools and need to find ways to take care of myself especially during meals. Fifteen minutes inbetween classes isn't always the best when you don't want to rush your meals. I try to eat before I go to school and afterwards. Now that I have passed the 3 month period, I am also excited to start an extended excercise regime with situps...Who would have thought any of us would be excited for situps!


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