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One Week since Lap-Band



I was given my lap-band on July 28 and I'm one day past a week. The surgery was not bad at all and my recover is pretty easy. I get tired easy and so I take a nap (man is that hard ;) ).

My family has been very supportive. I was nervous about the post-op diet, but it has actually been pretty easy. I had to make my own soup becuase I needed more flavor than just chicken broth. I keep thinking about how good the chicken broth soup at the hotel had been and I wanted to eat that again. I made a huge pot of chicken soup. I enjoyed the broth and the rest of my family enjoyed the soup. It came out full of flavor and I find I actually look foward to eating it.

I started to drink the yogurt drinks. They are actually pertty good. I guess after eating my chicken soup for a week, my tast buds really enjoyed a change in flavor. My son loves them too and so he drinks them with mommy. They are good for him and I love to see him drink them with.

So far I have no complaints and I'm looking foward to the next week and eating the creamy soups. I'm going to make that at home too - I found a receipe on the forum and it looks pretty good so I thought I'd try it. :P


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