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My New years resolution- finally putting myself 1st!



I have always been heavy. I have always worked very hard in my own life to make sure that everyone else was 1st, that everyone else was happy and had what they need.... and all of my life I am the only person who has had to suffer the results of that 1 sided thinking. As some of you who have read my blog may remember I started this journey to 2savemylife over a year ago, the decision was made then that I would be banded at the occ . I was saving and saving and with my tax return I would have enough to finally have it done. However, life , and family had other plans. I ended up giving away every cent( 1 "LOAN" at a time) to my family, because "family comes 1st" and here I am 1 year later, in the same situation as before. Well it is new years day... and here is my new years resolution . 1.I will book and pay for my surgery deposit & plane tickets the SAME DAY I GET MY TAX RETURN 2.I will exercise at least 5 times a week for a minimum of 1 hr a day no excuses! 3. I will lose 100lbs this year!!!! all of this because I will start putting myself 1st sometimes , because frankly ... my life depends on it! looking to book for the 3rd- 4th week in March so if u know anyone who is going to be there then please email me! Thanks for reading and I wish everyone on occforum A Happy & safe New year. May you all be Healthy & Happy & remember to put you first because you have to have a U to have s-U-ccess!


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