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Two days till plication!



So the days are ticking by, slowly with this whole liquid thing! I have to admit I broke down and had a meal tonight. I got a terrible sinus infection and upper respiratory infection and the lack of nutrients was really compromising my immune system. Anyway, I am feel much better now and ready to tackle the next two days of liquids only and fasting. I am supposed to fly into San Diego on Tuesday morning and have my pre op tests done Tuesday followed by surgery on Wednesday although I am pushing to have both done on Tuesday. I can't imagine fasting for all day Tuesday and the next day with not even water to drink. Is that even healthy?

On a side note, I have been filling out Valentine's Day cards for my two little kiddie poos and my husband and getting teary eyed. Okay, not just teary eyed, full on ugly cry. I can't help but feeling like this might be the last thing they get from me. I mean, what if I die during the procedure?! I know it's probably over dramatic, I do, but I can't help it. I can't imagine having to lose my life over extra weight that I probably should have been able to loose on my own. Arghhh, I just want this surgery done and over with so I can stop fretting and get on with the new self. A healthier mommy who feels good about herself ya know?

Keep me in your prayers, I need em'!


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