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Three Weeks Post Op



Today marks three weeks after surgery. The most important thing about today? I get to start real food! I had two tablespoons of oatmeal for breakfast. I had some pureed pears for lunch...MMmmmm. Food tastes good again. The learning to eat properly begins. Wow! Full comes quick!

I weighed in this morning and I'm down a total of 40 pounds since all this began back in June! My strength is returning. My knee no longer gives out when I walk anymore.

What I find truly funny is when someone sees me that hasn't seen me in a while, they look at me and say, "something is different about you.." Then they compliment my hair. Haha. I just say thanks.

My clothes are starting to bag again. I just fit into the Lady Antebellum tshirt Bill bought me at the CMT Music Festival in August. Loving that!

I did have a rather rushed appointment with Doc today, and he re wrote my script for blood work according to what the surgeon needs him to test. Pretty much everything he tests every three months anyway.


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