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Lessons continue...



Well this morning was interesting coming off a weekend spent all about the "me project." The kind of weekend where you take a long hard look at how far you have come and how far is left to go..along with the realization that the "project" will always continue and never be 100% finished..nothing in life is, right? Well anyway, I have hit a set-point in which I need to blast past it in order to continue my weight loss..I know my body and possibly my mind are fighting continued loss. This has been the lowest weight in 23 years and the hold out is on...I need to figure out how to pass it. My daughter said something interesting to me the other day "I know you can knock that out once you put your mind to it" wow..is my mind put to it? I don't think so, not 100%. So my job this weekend is to reflect, prepare, and mentally try to move on. First off I changed some things about me and what I want to do..just me and my wants..very weird feeling. Then I went through my closet again and was brutal..but I also paid attention to my feelings..I was scared and nervous to throw out cloths (or give to goodwill) and that is the first time I acknowledged this...strange..am I afraid of failure? Do I not want to move on for some reason (one being fear of the unknown I think). I need to get to the bottom of this and fight the inner demons..new personal goals have been set. Now let's see how this next week moves on...


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