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Three months later



Here it is three months later and I feel wonderful! I have lost a total of 70 pounds so far. The non-scale victories are what really count, though. Trying on clothes that I never thought I would ever fit into. Being able to have a good night's sleep and wake up totally refreshed and ready to start each day. Being able to walk around a store and not be out of breath or worn out. But the best NSV? Having my hubby think I'm hot again! There is no amount of money worth that! Have to get rid of the excess skin, though! But all in due time.

So, for an update...no more meds, no more CPAP, no more buying my clothes from OMAR the tent maker. No more riding the cart in Walmart. No more napping during the day. My house is actually getting clean! I have been able to get into places I could never get into before! And clean it out!

Tomorrow, I have a date to hit the gym! I live on a military base and that has always been the one place I never wanted to show up at. Alone or in a group, I always felt like I was the one that people would be staring at, thinking I was just wasting my time and taking up their space. Now, I don't care what they think. I just want to get on an elliptical and work out. I have to get moving! My weight has hit a stall and with winter settling in I have to get to a gym to get moving. It's too hard to walk in the snow and ice.

In less than three weeks, my family and I are all going to Florida for the holidays. We are going to be going to Disney World, as well as the Kennedy Space Center and Gatorland. I have to get in some walking now, to build up my stamina or those grandchildren will be putting me to bed early and we can't have that!! I want to keep up! I can hardly wait for this trip. We have been planning it since March of this year!

In case anyone is wondering, there has been absolutely no complications. No set backs. I am so happy I found the Obesity Control Center! The only thing I would change if I could is that I would have done this sooner!

Here's to the last 40 pounds.


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I followed the diet outlined by the OCC and paid strict attention to the No bread, pasta or rice. No pop or junk food. These foods have to be resolved in your brain to be gone forever. I figured they never helped me in the first 50 years so I welcome the change.

After the clear liquid phase, I made sure to have drinkable yogurt for breakfast, my protein drinks for lunch and popsicles on hand for when I needed that something extra. Soups, especially creamy veggie ones and creamy chicken! Really helps fill the sleeve. One can was good for a few meals. Make sure to eat every few hours.

When I started on soft foods, I cooked my veggies until they were soft and mashed them. No lumps. Fish was the easiest meat to start with as it is quite flaky. A little tartar sauce and mashed up fish and it tasted yummy. I slowly added chicken and then ground beef.

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Congrats!! You are doing great - those changes you are seeing are just the beginning - new and even more cool changes and opertunaties are coming your way!

I'm so proud of you!!!

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