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Help I have questions



Ok Folks I need to hear from anyone with info regarding. Having Lap band after gastric-bypass surgery. I weighed 560lbs in 2001 had gastric lost 300lbs! YAY! that was 11 years ago I'm up 90 lbs in the last year and once again back to how i felt pre-surgery.. Never full and over eating as usual. for the past 2 years I have tried Weight watchers, Jenny Craig, No Carbs, Low Carbs, everything that didn't work before. Gastric bypass. I have an HMO who were wonderful and approved my surgery 11 years ago. However now, no dice! They consider my gastric-bypass a success. I agree but am now in reverse. They have done x-rays and test and say my stomach is still small. I say, No way!!!! I asked about lap band and they said it is not FDA approved for people who have had gastric. i'm feeling so defeated and exhausted and don't want to keep gaining yet, that's my life story. I saw Carne Wilson recently on TV she had Lap band and I know she had gastric she was the reason I had it back in 2001. Hope someone can help point me in the right direction.

PS I've never blogged before so I have no idea if this is the appropriate place for all these questions.


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HI Bree, first off congrats on your weight loss!!

I know it probably feels bitter sweet especially now you are gaining..To be honest I am not sure, I would say go with what the doctors say..I had the lap band march 9th and I am doing well, but one thing the doctor said that sticks with me is, I have to do the work, the band is a tool...I am not sure on your diet, but also, the hard part is...to push away...sure we CAN eat more, but we are not suppose to eat more..that is a tough tool to learn..I am learning to measure things and to drink my water...I wish you the best..but dont ever give up on this journey!!! I wish you the best!!

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Hi Bree,

Dr. Ortiz actually pioneered the band over bypass procedure that was recently performed on Carnie Wilson. I had actually emailed Carnie about the surgery over 3 years ago! The way the bypass surgery is done makes it very easy for the stomach to stretch out. Dr. Ortiz has been putting bands over bypasses for years to give that restriction back. Our band over's are very successful!

If you want more info - you can email me at lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or call me at 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81 and I can try to get you in touch with other band over patients.

Weight loss is hard, and your "tool" isn't performing like it used to, don't let your weight get really out of control before you reach out for help!

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