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I had my sleeve revision surgery yesterday and so far so good. I had a minor issue with the drain in the afternoon, but Dr. Martinez fixed me right up.

Dr. O said my stomach tissue was in great shape and he could tell I had not abused my band at in the past - i never had issues with PBing or forcing my band. Like I've said in prevous posts, for over 5 years I had a great relationship with my band (june would have been my 6th year bandiversary) - you can read some of my previous posts for what brought me the to the decision to have a sleeve revision.

I don't have much pain - some tenderness at the drain site where I needed a couple of extra stitches. I'm back at the hotel now, and having been walking some, sleeping a little, and staying hydrated.

Even with the problems I was having with the pre-op diet shakes, I still managed to get off 10 pounds before surgery - probably one of the reasons my surgery went so smoothly, I did exactly what I was told to do to prepare for surgery! (How can I tell my patients what to do, if I won't do it myself!)

I'll keep posting to the blog to let you know how I'm doing. Right now I'm really happy that I have my sleeve, but I am still mourning my band. For a split second I was going to ask if I could keep it, but I have no idea what I would have done with it LOL

So... i'll always be your band budy, but I would also like to get to know some sleeve sisters too, so we share our experiences!

If you have any questions you can email lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com


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I am a scrapbooker.. I would have put it in my scrapbook! seriously... lol

Glad to hear you are doing so well.. I will be following right behind you on Monday!

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Paula - keep me posted on how you are doing - and you can even call me from the phone in your recovery room!

Yes Pammie, I've been thinking about it this last year when I started having some band trouble and I finally just jumped in.

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