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Packed and ready

Paula Bee


I am all packed up and ready to fly out at 6:30 am tomorrow! I have crushed everything I can into my carry on bag.... it is under the weight limit, but I just can't squish in my heating pad or my favorite pink "NAP" brand "blankie." I have paid the bills, written down instructions to help my husband care for my mom while I am gone.

My fear is them not doing the whole thing at once....just have to think positively..

I need a week away from my mom. Having to care for an early onset Alz mom at my house has been taxing, and I am glad I can get a break. (Who thought I would have to fly all the way from Florida to Tijuana to get a rest from my mom. :/

Kids are coming to supper tonight, and hubby is running them off by 9 so we can go to bed... not that we will sleep... or at least I won't.

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Paula - you'll do GREAT :)

The recovery isn't too different with the band removal - revision at the same time - except for the drain! Not a fun part of the surgery, but a vitally important part to help detect a leak. OCC has NEVER had one, but we are always cautious with our patients!

Enjoy some downtime while you are there, get plenty of rest and stay hydrated :)

Let me know how you are doing!

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